Spectrum - Volume 17 Issue 20 February 16, 1995 - Budget Update
A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
The Conductor
, a special section of the
printed 4 times a year
Budget Update
Spectrum Volume 17 Issue 20 - February 16, 1995
On Thursday, Feb. 9, the House of Delegates and the Senate approved the budget recommendations developed by the House Appropriations Committee and Senate Finance Committee, respectively. These recommendations were reported in last week's Spectrum.
The House vote on its budget bill was 74-24; the Senate vote was 33-6. The recommendations for funding for Virginia Tech were included in the overall budget votes, with one exception, In the House, Delegate Jim Shuler of Blacksburg requested a separate vote on full restoration of Cooperative Extension and Research funding. This vote was 96-0.
On Tuesday, Feb. 14, a conference committee composed of four delegates and four senators began work on resolving the differences between the two versions of the budget. The conference committee will issue its report on February 21, and the House and Senate must adopt a final budget bill before adjourning February 25.