Spectrum - Volume 17 Issue 20 February 16, 1995 - Campaign exceeds goal
A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
The Conductor
, a special section of the
printed 4 times a year
Campaign exceeds goal
Spectrum Volume 17 Issue 20 - February 16, 1995
The Combined Virginia Campaign (CVC) volunteers recently celebrated the success of the 1994 campaign. This year, the CVC raised $214,318 in contributions and pledges--102 percent of the $210,000 goal.
Although the CVC is pleased with this result, 1994 CVC Chairman Sherwood Wilson expressed some disappointment that only 33 percent of Virginia Tech employees participated. This was the lowest participation rate in several years, and far short of the 40 percent participation goal.
1995 Campaign Chairperson Karen Cronin said that the CVC Executive Committee is conducting a survey. They hope it will yield results they can use to increase participation next year.