Spectrum - Volume 17 Issue 26 March 30, 1995 - Calendar
A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
The Conductor
, a special section of the
printed 4 times a year
Spectrum Volume 17 Issue 26 - March 30, 1995
Thursday, 30Choices and Challenges Forum,
8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., DBHCC: Computer-network technology.Bloodmobile, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Squires Commonwealth Ballroom.
Health Benefits Information Session, 10:30 a.m.-noon, Pritchard fourth-floor lounge.
YMCA Slide Show, 12:10 p.m., Cranwell Center: "Less Visited Places in China," by Bill and Loreta Walker.
Architecture/Urban Studies Video Series, 7 p.m., 101 Hancock: "Brooklyn Bridge."
VMNH Activity, 7:30 p.m., N. Main Street: "Gardening for Nectar Seekers," by Suzie Leslie.
Friday, 31
Salary and wage paydate.
Organization of Women Faculty Coffee Hour,
8:30 a.m., Mill Mountain Coffee: Weekly.International Club Coffee Hour,
5 p.m., Cranwell Center: "Melting Pot or Salad Bowl: The United States Today and Tomorrow," by Joyce F. Williams-Green.Special Music Event, 8 p.m., Old Dominion Ballroom: "Hands, Feet and Hair: Botsford, Kilkelly and Witt."
Student Recital, 8 p.m., Squires Recital Salon: Tracy Weaver and Amy Latimer, voice.
Saturday, 1
YMCA International Folk Dances,
7:30 p.m., 37 WMG.Student Recital, 8 p.m., Squires Recital Salon: Christine Armentrout, violin.
Sunday, 2
YMCA Hike,
1:30 p.m., Meet at Y parking lot: Alta Mons. Led by John Roach.Student Ensemble Concert, 3 p.m., Squires Recital Salon: The Meistersingers.
Student Recital, 8 p.m., Squires Recital Salon: Matt Davis, multimedia composition.
Monday, 3
Soup and Substance,
noon, 116 Squires: "Crisis in the Sudan," by Charles Good."Let's Talk," noon, Cranwell Center.
University Council, 3 p.m., 1045 Pamplin."
Women's Studies Lecture Series, 7 p.m., 3 Davidson: "Hands, Feet and Hair," by Ann Kilkelly, Beverly Botsford, and Elise Witt.
With Good Reason,
7:30 p.m., WVTF-FM: "Making Connections: New Understandings of Consciousness," by Karl Pribram, Radford.TAUT Workshop Production, 8 p.m., 204 PAB: "The Bald Soprano." Through 4-5.
Tuesday, 4
Faculty Senate Meeting
, 7 p.m., 32 Pamplin.Black Cultural Center Art Exhibit, Squires: Caribbean Art. Through 4-8.
Women's Network Meeting, noon, 133 Lane.
TAUT Workshop Production, 8 p.m., 204 PAB: "The Bald Soprano." Through 4-5.
Wednesday, 5
Commercializing Technology program,
1-5 p.m., CEC: Continues Thursday.Symphony Band Concert,
8 p.m., Squires Commonwealth.TAUT Workshop Production, 8 p.m., 204 PAB: "The Bald Soprano."
Thursday, 6
YMCA Slide Show,
12:10 p.m., Cranwell Center: "Virginia Tech European Studies Center, Casa Maderna, Switzerland, Spring '94," by J.D. Stahl.Science Study Center Discussion, 12:30 p.m., 101 Price House: "Guiding Gene-Therapy Research: A First-hand Account of Trojan Horses Used by Various Pressure Groups," by Doris Zallen.
Nicholas Mullins Memorial Lecture, 4 p.m., DBHCC front auditorium: "The New Culture of Health: Women and the Immune System in America Today," by Emily Martin, Princeton.
Thursday, 30
3:30 p.m., 2030 Pamplin: "Soap and Serendipity: Cellular Structures in Two and Three Dimensions," by Denis Weaire, Trinity College, Dublin.Statistics, 3:45 p.m., 409 Hutcheson: "Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Contingency Table Probabilities under the Constraint of Zero Association," by Robert Johnson, VCU.
Geological Sciences , 4 p.m., 2044 Derring: "Hydrocarbon Potential of Extensional Basins Due to Crustal-Scale Processes," by Charles Harris, Exxon.
Plant Physiology, 4 p.m., 400 Price: "Postharvest Research with Christmas Trees," by Eric Hinesley, N.C. State.
Friday, 31
Molecular Cell Biology/Biotechnology,
CANCELLED.Geological Sciences,
noon, 2044 Derring: "Origin of Deep Subsurface Bacteria: Implications for Evolution of Exobiology and Bioremediation," by Tullis Onstott, Princeton.Botany, 4 p.m., 1076 Derring: "Flora for Jurassic Park: Extinct Diploid Ancestors of Living Polyploids," by Charles Werth, L.H. Bailey Hortorium.
Monday, 3
Biochemistry/Anaerobic Microbiology,
4 p.m., 223 Engel: "Heidelberg Expression Vectors and Evaluation of the Titration Model for Control of Heat Shock Gene Expression in E. coli, " by Timothy J. Larson.Horticulture, 4 p.m., 102 Saunders: "Ecology of Middle-Aged Wetlands," by Robert Atkinson.
Mechanical Engineering, 4 p.m., 110 Randolph: "Teaching Methods," by L.D. Mitchell.
Tuesday, 4
3:45 p.m., 100 GBJ: "The Predator Bacteria," by L.E. Casida, Penn State.
Wednesday, 5
Science Study Center,
4 p.m., 101 Price House: "Influencing Science and Technology Policy: Issues, Definition, and Agenda Setting," by Christopher Plein, WVa.CASS/ESM,
4 p.m., 300 Whittemore: "Adhesive Weld-Bonded Joint Design: Pickup Box Case Study," by David A. Wagner, Ford Research Laboratory.
Thursday, 6
3:45 p.m., 409 Hutcheson: TBA, by Clark Gaylord.Plant Physiology, 4 p.m., 400 Price: "The Role of Tannins in Woody Cell Wall Maturation," by Richard Helm.
STS Policy Group conference planned
A conference on issues in the politics of science and technology, Environmentalism and the Politics of Nature, will be held Friday, April 7-Sunday, April 9. The conference theme embraces the widely diverse issues and concerns attentive to the history, philosophy, sociology, and politics of the environment.
Subjects of interests include community organizing and the environment, critiques of environmentalism, ecofeminism, environmental policy, technoscientific policy and democracy, and international conflicts and the environment.
Conference organizers also invite presentations on research in the environmental sciences such as: biotechnology, conservationist/preservationist management strategies, radiation studies, toxic waste, climate models, risk assessment, and public health.
The conference aims to bring together graduate students and other academicians, grassroots activists, and policy professionals, primarily from the Virginia area, to discuss the divergent and shared elements of the perspectives held by these communities. We will examine the manifold constructions of the "natural" and the diverse programs that result from such constructions. The conference will provide an opportunity for researchers and those engaged in field work to benefit from an inclusive examination of the theory and practice of environmentalism.
To register by e-mail, send a message to taylordk@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu .
For more information contact: Science Policy Group, Center for STS, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0247, (703) 231-7687, FAX 703/231-7013.
Journal issues call for papers, progress report
The Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering reports a successful first year of publication. The first issue was published in June 1994. The second and third issues have gone to press and the fourth issue is in process. We wish to thank all those who have contributed papers, volunteered to be reviewers, and requested subscriptions during this first year of publication.
Submissions are solicited for the second year of publication. We would also like to identify those interested in reviewing papers. The purpose of the journal is to publish original, peer-reviewed papers that report innovative ideas and programs, scientific studies, and formulation of concepts related to the education, recruitment, and retention of under-represented groups in science and engineering. Issues related to women and minorities in science and engineering are consolidated to address the entire professional and educational environment.
Subjects for papers submitted can include empirical studies of current qualitative or quantitative research; historical investigations of how minority status impacts science and engineering; original theoretical or conceptual analyses of feminist science and Afrocentric science; reviews of literature to help develop new ideas and directions for future research; explorations of feminist teaching methods, black student/white teacher interactions; and cultural phenomena that affect the classroom climate.
To receive guidelines for manuscript preparation or to submit a curriculum vita if you are interested in reviewing papers for the journal contact Kathy Wager, Editorial Assistant, Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, Women's Research Institute, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 10 Sandy Hall, Blacksburg, VA 244061-0338. Phone: 703-231-6296 Fax: 703 231-7669 E-mail: JRLWMSE@VT.EDU.
Subscriptions and requests for sample copies are being handled by the publisher, Begell House Inc. To subscribe, send a letter with check payable to Begell House Inc. to Mr. Jung Ra, Begell House Inc., 79 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016-7892. Institutional rate is $75; individual rate is $40. Individual subscriptions must be paid by personal check, and are available to home addresses only.
Deet's Place schedules concerts
Join your friends for a night of entertainment at Deet's Place. Each Wednesday night, Virginia Tech student musical ensembles will be performing from 7-9 p.m. at Deet's Place free of charge.
Critical Adjustment, a saxophone quintet who play classical, jazz, and light pop, will perform April 5. The Quintessence Woodwind Quintet will perform classical to light pop favorites April 12. Sound Advice, a vocal ensemble performing pop to jazz to doo-wop, will be featured April 19. The Europa String Quartet will perform classical music with a popular appeal April 26.
Mullins Memorial Lecture to be presented
The Center for the Study of Science in Society and The Women Artists and Scholars Lecture Series present the Seventh Annual Nicholas Mullins Memorial Lecture Thursday, April 6, at 4 p.m. in the DBHCC front auditorium.
Emily Martin, professor of anthropology at Princeton, will speak on "The New Culture of Health: Women and the Immune System in America Today." Martin was in great demand for many years for her talk "The Egg and the Sperm," an analysis of gender metaphors in the biology of reproduction.
She taught at Johns Hopkins for 20 years and has become prominent nationally as a cultural analyst of the sciences of reproduction.
Martin is the author of the award-winning book, The Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction (Boston: Beacon Press, 1987) and Flexible Bodies: Tracking Immunity in American Culture from the Days of Polio to the Age of AIDS (Boston: Beacon Press, 1994).
Work on tennis courts resumes
Physical Plant will be resuming work on resurfacing the tennis courts on Washington Street. This work was suspended due to cold weather last fall. Present plans call for the project to resume with resurfacing of the remaining battery of courts directly adjacent to the street. It will also be necessary to close the two groups of courts away from the street for resurfacing about mid- April. The entire project should be concluded by mid-May.
We regret any inconvenience to court users.
Freshens Yogurt comes to Shultz
Residential and Dining Programs and Shultz Dining Hall announce the arrival of a Freshens Yogurt shop to the upper level of Shultz. Freshens is a premium frozen-yogurt concept that tastes likes premium ice cream but has half the calories and is 98-percent fat free. The shop opened yesterday.
In addition to a variety of frozen yogurt flavors, Freshens also offers a large selection of candy, fruit, and sugar-free nonfat caramel and fudge toppings as well as homemade waffle cones to serve the yogurt in.
Freshens will be open Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
CommonHealth step classes cancelled
The CommonHealth step aerobics class that has been meeting from 6:15-7:15 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays has been canceled until further notice. If you have any questions, please call Alicia Smith at 1-7810.
CommonHealth will announce the re-start of the class in Spectrum .
Human Resources to hold open house
High-school and community-college students and their parents are invited to an open house a the College of Human Resources Saturday, April 8, from 10 a.m. to noon in Wallace Hall. Faculty members and students will be available to answer questions about the college.
Representatives of the college's student organizations and the college ambassadors will discuss college life from their perspective. Deans, department heads, and other faculty members will be available to present information about the study options in the college. Refreshments will be served.
The college has five departments which offer a wide variety of study options. Students can focus their studies in careers in business, such as hospitality and tourism management and residential property management; in teaching, such as child-care administration and early-childhood education (grades kindergarten through fifth); in interior design and apparel design; in the sciences, such as dietetics and the science of food and nutrition, which are also excellent pre- med, pre-dental, or pre-vet med courses of study; or in the helping professions such as consumer foods, consumer studies, human development, or human services.
For more information about the open house or the College of Human Resources, call 1-6548 or fax 1-7157.
Smithfield Plantation opens for tours
Smithfield Plantation and Gardens opens its 1995 season Saturday, April 1. The 18th-century restored frontier plantation is open to the public every Thursday through Sunday from 1-5 p.m. through the end of October.
The Museum Gift shop will open the same day and maintain similar hours. It features brass from Virginia Metalcrafters, stoneware from the Williamsburg pottery, and a variety of crafts by Virginia artisans.
The plantation was the home of Col. and Mrs. William Preston. Built in the Williamsburg tradition, it has been restored and maintained through the efforts of the Montgomery Chapter of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities.
Admission is $4 for adults and $1.50 for children 12 and under.