Spectrum - Volume 17 Issue 27 April 6, 1995 - Calendar
A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
The Conductor
, a special section of the
printed 4 times a year
Spectrum Volume 17 Issue 27 - April 6, 1995
Thursday, 6Service-Learning Conversation Series,
noon 101 PAB: "A Continuation of Topics on Service-Learning."YMCA Slide Show,
12:10 p.m., Cranwell Center: "Virginia Tech European Studies Center, Casa Maderna, Switzerland, Spring '94," by J.D. Stahl.Science Study Center Discussion, 12:30 p.m., 101 Price House: "Guiding Gene-Therapy Research: A First-hand Account of Trojan Horses Used by Various Pressure Groups," by Doris Zallen.
Nicholas Mullins Memorial Lecture, 4 p.m., DBHCC front auditorium: "The New Culture of Health: Women and the Immune System in America Today," by Emily Martin, Princeton.
Friday, 7
Organization of Women Faculty Coffee Hour, 8:30 a.m., Mill Mountain Coffee: Weekly.
Founders Day,
3:15 p.m., Burruss auditorium.Science/Technology Studies Policy Group Conference,
5 p.m., 101 Price House, 7 p.m. 110 Randolph: "Issues in the Politics of Science and Technology: Environmentalism and the Politics of Nature." Through 4-9.International Club Coffee Hour,
5 p.m., Cranwell Center: "Melting Pot or Salad Bowl: The United States Today and Tomorrow," by Joyce Williams-Green.Faculty/Guest Artist Recital, 8 p.m., Squires Recital Salon: Mary Louise Hallauer, piano.
Saturday, 8
International Week Begins.
Through 4-16.Informal Workshop on Driven Diffusive Systems,
8:50 a.m., 304 Robeson.YMCA Hike, 9 a.m., Meet at Y parking lot: Rock Castle Gorge, led by Barry Anderson.
International Street Fair, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., downtown Blacksburg.
Student Recital, 3 p.m., Squires Recital Salon: Lee Larsen, composition.
University Concert Choir, 8 p.m., Squires Recital Salon: "Songs of Love, Songs of Laughter."
Sunday, 9
Student Recital,
3 p.m., Squires Recital Salon: Doug King, euphonium.Student Recital, 8 p.m., Squires Recital Salon: Delta Omicron.
Monday, 10
Soup and Substance,
noon, 116 Squires: "Europe After the Maastricht Agreement," by Arnold Schuetz."Let's Talk," noon, Cranwell Center.
VTU Broadway Series,
7:30 p.m., Burruss auditorium: Oliver!With Good Reason,
7:30 p.m., WVTF-FM: "Test Tubes and Town Halls: The Role of Public Participation in Science," by Doris Zallen, and Brian Bulogh, UVa.
Tuesday, 11
Art Exhibit Opening
, 10 a.m., Prospective Gallery. Maryann Harman, recent paintings. Through 5-4.Women's Network Meeting,
noon, Blacksburg Area Library: "Title IX."EO/AA Office Presentation,
noon-2:30 p.m., 340 Squires: "Making Differences Count," lesbian, gay, and bisexual issues, by Liz Winfield, Common Ground Inc.International Week Speaker, 7:30 p.m., Squires Colonial Hall: "Fledgling Freedoms: Russia and the Emerging Former Soviet States," by Melor Sturua.
Wednesday, 12
International Week Bach's Lunch, noon, Chapel: Traditional and contemporary Greek music by Kriton Hatzios.
CCSA Meeting, 1:30 p.m., 400D Burruss.
Women Artists and Scholars Lecture, 7:30 p.m., 300 Whittemore: "A WISE Choice: Women in Science and Engineering," by Mary Jane Irwin, Penn State.
Thursday, 13
Science Study Center Discussion,
12:30 p.m., 101 Price House: Report on research, by Doug Taylor.Diggs Teaching Roundtable and Award Ceremony, 3 p.m., Hillcrest living room: Presentation and discussion by Peggy Meszaros.
Architecture/Urban Studies Video Series, 7 p.m., 100 Hancock: Frank Lloyd Wright.
TA-UT Play, 8 p.m., Squires Studio Theatre: Bells Are Ringing.
Thursday, 6
3:30 p.m., 2030 Pamplin: "Novel Loads for Pulse Radiation Sources," by J. Moscella, Hy-Tech Research Corp., Radford.Statistics, 3:45 p.m., 409 Hutcheson: TBA, by Clark Gaylord.
Plant Physiology, 4 p.m., 400 Price: "The Role of Tannins in Woody Cell Wall Maturation," by Richard Helm.
Friday, 7
Molecular Cell Biology/Biotechnology,
noon, 30 Pamplin: "Turf Grass Biotechnology," by Sam Ha.Botany,
noon, 2020 Derring: "Diatoms as Indicators of Water Quality," by Terry Hufford, GWU.
Monday, 10
3:45 p.m., 409 Hutcheson: Clark Gaylord.Biochemistry/Anaerobic Microbiology,
4 p.m., 223 Engel: "Phosphorylation Cycles, Loops, and Cascades in Cell Signaling," by David Brautigen, UVa.Horticulture, 4 p.m., 102 Saunders: "The National Forum for Horticulture," by Diane Relf.
Mechanical Engineering, 4 p.m., 110 Randolph: "TQM and Industry," by Bill Cousins, Allied Signal.
CSES, 4 p.m., 231 Smyth: "Climatic Gradients and Pedogenic Fe-oxide Dynamics in the Nonglaciated Southern Piedmont," by Steve Feldman.
Tuesday, 11
3:30 p.m., 100 GBJ: "Toward the Cerebral Basis of Psychosis-Proneness: A Continuum between Personality in College Students and Symptoms of Psychosis," by John Gruzelier, University of London.
Wednesday, 12
Science Study Center,
4 p.m., 101 Price House: "Cyborgs and Hybrids: What's the Difference?" by Skip Fuhrman.
Thursday, 13
3:45 p.m., 409 Hutcheson: "Dynamic Sampling Control Charts with Optional Sampling at Fixed Times," by Zachary Stoumbos, Rutgers.Plant Physiology, 4 p.m., 400 Price: "Mycorrhizal Symbiosis and Nonhydraulic Signaling of Soil Drying," by Bob Auge, Tennessee.
Administrators to discuss budget Monday
President Paul Torgersen, Provost Peggy Meszaros, and Executive Vice President Minnis Ridenour will hold an open forum on the 1995-96 university budget on Monday, April 10, at 4 p.m. in the DBHCC rear auditorium.
The purpose of the forum is to discuss with the university community the General Fund reductions and tuition shortfall the university is experiencing.
Spaces to be reserved for Founders Day
Parking Services will reserve a number of parking spaces for Founders Day events.
On Thursday April 6, from 5 p.m.-7 p.m. and all day Friday April 7, parking in front of Patton and Burruss will be reserved.
On Friday, the Bookstore Parking meters will be reserved from 10 a.m.-noon. At the same time, two parking metered spaces on Kent Street near the Bookstore will also be reserved.
All day Friday and Saturday, the visitor side of the DBHCC (Donaldson Brown Hotel) lot will be reserved.
On Saturday, the visitor side of DBHCC (Donaldson Brown Hotel) lot and the Media lot will be reserved for the entire day.
On Sunday, the DBHCC (Donaldson Brown Hotel) turn-a-round and the Media lot will be reserved throughout the day.
Officers from Parking Services and the Police Department will be available in the parking lots to assist faculty and staff members who encounter parking problems during this time.
Stampede and Stroll planned
Runners, walkers, roller-bladers, and dogs are invited to participate in the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine's fifth annual "Stampede and Stroll" on Saturday, April 15, on campus.
The event includes a 5K roadrace for people at 8:30 a.m., a one-mile race for roller-bladers at 9:45 a.m., and a one-mile dog-walk for dogs and their owners at 10 a.m.
All events will begin on Smithfield Plantation Road near the Virginia Tech Duckpond and be held rain or shine. The 5K event will have men's and women's competitive classes for ages 13-18, 19-24, 25-30, 31-39, 40-49, and 50 and over.
Several prizes will be awarded in each class and all participants will receive an official race T-shirt.
Prizes for the dog-race event will be awarded to the top two finishers and to dogs in categories such as best owner/dog resemblance, biggest dog, smallest dog, most unusual dog, and others.
During the event, dogs will run with their owners along a one-mile course. No female dogs in heat will be allowed, all dogs must have proof of current rabies vaccination and a current dog license, and all dogs must be leashed at all times. The event is open to dogs of all ages and families are encouraged to participate.
Dozens of prizes and hundreds of dollars in gift certificates donated by local businesses will be awarded during a brief awards ceremony following the event. Prizes range from dinners at local restaurants to shampoos and flea dips at local animal groomers and kennels.
Pre-registration for each race is $8 and on-site registration is $10.
Advance registration forms for the "Stampede and Stroll" are available at the college's Veterinary Teaching Hospital, at War Memorial Gym, at local veterinary hospitals, and area sporting-goods stores.
On-site registration will be available prior to the races at 7:30 a.m. at race headquarters at the intersection of Smithfield Plantation Road and Duck Pond Drive.
Proceeds will benefit the Montgomery County Humane Society, the Roanoke Valley Therapeutic Riding Program for the Handicapped, and the VMRCVM's Classes of '97 and '98.
Business conference planned
Pamplin College of Business presents the 1995 International Conference: "Financial Markets in Emerging Market Economies" Friday, April 21, from noon-6:30 p.m. at the German Club Manor. The event is open to the public,
For more information, call the M.B.A. office at 1-6152.
Alcohol check-up offered
The Drinker's Check-Up, a program of the Virginia Tech Psychological Services Center, is offered to individuals interested in knowing more about their use of alcohol.
The check-up provides a confidential assessment of a person's use of alcohol and provides information on how his or her use of alcohol compares with that of other drinkers. Research has shown that many people find this information useful in understanding their own alcohol use. However, this is not a treatment program.
All information obtained will be kept strictly confidential and will be used solely to provide information to individuals who desire more information about their own drinking patterns. The program is starting immediately.
For more information, call the Psychological Services Center at 1-6914 or Robert S. Stephens at 1-6304.
Participants needed for childhood-behavior study
For a study of the relationship between childhood behavior and family environment, a Virginia Tech master's student is seeking the participation of children between the ages of 7 and 12 with behavior problems and the primary caretaking parent of those children.
The study by Katie Ingman, with Thomas Ollendick, will look at the behavior problems of anxiety, depression, withdrawal, hyperactivity, aggression, and conduct-related problems oppositional and defiant. Only one child and one parent is needed from each family. If a child and parent qualify for the study, they will receive a free comprehensive assessment of the child's problems and family environment. The parent will receive feedback on the results of the assessment, which may provide valuable information about the child's problems and what can be done about them.
For information or to participate in the study, call Ingman at the Psychological Services Center at 1-6914.
CommonHealth offers program on self-esteem
How we feel about ourselves plays a significant role in how well we take care of our health. Come and learn about self-esteem and the factors that influence it. Participants also will explore ways to build and nurture high self-esteem.
All employees are invited to participate. Classes will be held on Tuesday, April 11, and Wednesday, April 12, from 12:05 to 1 p.m. in the Personnel Classroom at Southgate Center. You only need to attend one session.
For more information or to register, call 1-7819.
Entrepreneurs to get business pointers
Virginia entrepreneurs can learn how to start and manage a business in Virginia during two series of nine seminars scheduled April 17-June 19 at Virginia Tech's Donaldson Brown Hotel and Conference Center and at Wytheville Community College.
Developed by the New River Valley Small Business Development Center (NRV SBDC), a unit in Virginia Tech's Public Service Programs, the seminars will provide information on developing a business plan, April 17 and 24; cash and financial management, May 1; marketing research, May 8; developing a marketing plan, May 15; legal matters in business, May 22; raising capital, June 5; strategic planning and management teams, June 12; and the "harvest," June 19. They will be held 10 a.m.-noon in Blacksburg and 2-4 p.m. in Wytheville.
The seminars are based on the book The Virginia Entrepreneur's Guide: How to Start and Manage a Business in Virginia , which was written by Michael Tentnowski and Michael Hensley, both with Virginia Tech's Economic Development Assistance Center, and Paul Larson, a professor of management in the University of Montana's School of Business Administration. Tentnowski will teach the sessions at both locations.
Joining the NRV SBDC and Public Service Programs in sponsoring the series are the U.S. Small Business Administration, Virginia Department of Economic Development, and the Virginia SBDC.
Cost of the series is $50 per seminar or $195 for all nine seminars.
To register for the Blacksburg seminars, call the conference registrar at 703/231-5182. For additional information on the Blacksburg series, call David Shanks at 703/231-5278. To register for or to get information on the Wytheville series, call Rob Edward at 703/228-6751.
Conference to focus on environment
A conference on "Environmentalism and the Politics of Nature" will be held at Virginia Tech April 7-9.
The keynote speaker at 7 p.m. Friday, April 7, is Steven Yearley of the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, author of Science Technology, and Social Change , who will discuss "The Sociology of International Nature Campaigns: Conceptions of Sustainability."
Saturday's keynote address, at 8 p.m., is by Douglas Boucher, research associate professor at the Appalachian Environmental Laboratory at the University of Maryland and legislative director for Rep. Bernard Sanders. His talk will be on "The Earth As Seen from Congress: Just Another Special Interest."
Open to the public, the conference will be held in 110 Randolph. A fee of $8 covers receptions Friday and Saturday evenings.
For information or registration forms, contact Douglas Taylor at 951-4001 or taylord@vtvm1.
Presentation to address lesbian, gay, and bisexual issues
Liz Winfield of Common Ground Inc. will present "Making Differences Count" Saturday, April 11, from noon-2:30 p.m. in 340 Squires.
Winfield is an educator and writer with extensive experience in public education and corporate training. She will talk about what homosexuality has to do with individual and organizational productivity at Virginia Tech and the ramifications of having a non-discrimination policy at the university. She also will examine what homophobia is, strategies for handling homophobia, and concerns related to homophobia, domestic partner benefits, and other issues.
The program is co-sponsored by the EO/AA Office, the Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Caucus, Lambda Horizons, and Student Affairs.
Material systems conference planned
The Center for Adhesive and Sealant Science and the Center for Composite Materials and Structures have scheduled their fourth technical conference. "New Century Partnerships for Material Systems" will be help April 23-25 at the Donaldson Brown Hotel and Conference Center.
The joint meeting will highlight the research activities of the faculty and students in both centers as well as those of invited speakers from industry and other universities.
The sessions for composite materials papers and for sealant papers will run concurrently. The university community is invited to attend all or any part of the program.,
The program will begin Monday, April 24, at 8 a.m. with welcoming remarks by Ernie Stout, associate provost for research. At 5:30 p.m. on Monday, a student poster session will be help in Owens Banquet Room.
Tuesday's program begins at 8:15 a.m. and continues until 5 p.m.
CommonHealth step classes resume
The CommonHealth step aerobics class has restarted. The class will meet from 6:15 -7:15 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. For more information, please call Gloria Smith at 1-7810.
International Week to be celebrated
Virginia Tech will celebrate the 36th International Week April 8-15. An international street fair, movies, luncheons, lectures, games, a talent show, and a dance are just a few of the activities planned.
The week begins with an international parade Friday, April 7, at 3 p.m. The parade route begins at the Cranwell International Center and ends at the Drillfield.
Saturday features the international street fair from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. on College Avenue and Draper Road. At 7 p.m. Saturday, a fashion show will be held in Litton Reaves auditorium. An African troupe, featuring dance as well as vocal and instrumental music, will perform at 8 p.m. in Litton Reaves.
International luncheons, hosted by various student associations, will take place Monday-Friday, April 10-14, from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Cranwell Center.
A 7:30 p.m. panel discussion on Monday, April 10, in Squires Colonial Hall will examine "Technology Transfer in the Americas." Clifford A. Kiracofe will moderate.
A panel led by Russian journalist Melor Sturua will address "Fledgling Freedoms: Russia and the Emerging Former Soviet States" Tuesday, April 11, at 7:30 p.m. in Squires Colonial Hall.
Thursday, April 13, will feature an Indian Wedding Ceremony from 3:30-4:30 p.m. at the Cranwell International Center.
On Saturday, April 15, there will be a dance party from 9 p.m.-midnight in the Squires Commonwealth Ballroom.
Other events are planned. For more information or a complete schedule of events, call 1-6527.