Spectrum - Volume 17 Issue 36 July 13, 1995 - Calendar

A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
including The Conductor , a special section of the Spectrum printed 4 times a year


Spectrum Volume 17 Issue 36 - July 13, 1995


Thursday, 13

TAUT Play,

8 p.m., Studio Theatre: "Blithe Spirit." Through 7-15.

Friday, 14

Salary and Wage Paydate.

Outdoor Concert,

6 p.m., Henderson Lawn: The Sauerkraut Band, playing German Oompah music.

TAUT Play, 8 p.m., Studio Theatre: "Blithe Spirit." Through 7-15.

Saturday, 15

YMCA Hike,

9 a.m., Y Parking Lot: Hay Rock. Led by Barry Anderson.

TAUT Play, 8 p.m., Studio Theatre: "Blithe Spirit."

Monday, 17

Second Summer Last Day to Drop.

"With Good Reason,"

7:30 p.m., WVTF 89.1: "Senior Years: Living Longer, Living Better," with Linda Dougherty, VCU, and Kathleen Slevin, William & Mary.

Wednesday, 19

Bach's Lunch,

noon, Chapel: Organ recital by Dorothy Porter.

Thursday, 20

Staff Senate Meeting,

5:30 p.m., Vet Med College Center.

Sunday, 23

YMCA Hike,

noon., Y Parking Lot: Sawtooth Ridge. Led by Su Clauson-Wicker.

Monday, 24

Second Summer Last Day to Resign.

"With Good Reason,

" 7:30 p.m., WVTF 89.1: "A Shore Bet: Crab Catches and Beach Ecology," with John McConaugha, ODU, and Harold Cones, Christopher Newport.

Reception introduces cave exhibit

The Museum of Natural History is holding a reception to introduce the public to their cave exhibit, Buried Treasures, Caves of the Virginias. This exhibit will be on display through mid September. A slideshow and refreshments are scheduled for Tuesday, July 18, from 5- 7 p.m. The reception will be hosted by the National Speleological Society.

CommonHealth programs offered

The new CommonHealth program listing for July and August is now on the computer system. All faculty and staff members, retirees, and their adult family members may participate in any CommonHealth activity.

Listed below are some of the upcoming workshops:

CPR (ADULT, CHILD, INFANT) , Monday, July 24 and Tuesday, July 25, 6-10 p.m., Montgomery Regional Hospital. Cost: $12.50.

EATING RIGHT ON THE RUN, Wednesday, July 19, 5:15-6 p.m., meeting room, 404 Clay Street or Thursday, July 20, 12:10-12:55 p.m., 277 Hutcheson.

WHY WEIGHT, Tuesdays, July 18, 25, August 1, 8, and 15, 12:05-1 p.m., meeting room, 404 Clay Street.

HEALTHWISE, Tuesday, July 25, 12:10-12:55 p.m., Personnel Classroom- -Southgate Center; or Thursday, July 27, 5:15-6 p.m., meeting room, 404 Clay Street.

Please RSVP electronically to GRAHAMGD at vtvm1 or call 1- 7810 if you are interesting in participating in the above programs.

Self-help for panic attacks offered

The Psychological Services Center at Virginia Tech is offering a self- help treatment program for people experiencing panic attacks. This assessment-and-treatment package is being offered in a self- help format as part of a research study. Prior research has shown that self- help treatments for panic attacks are highly effective for most people.

People with panic attacks experience a variety of unpleasant symptoms that come on suddenly and unpredictably. These symptoms can include shortness of breath, smothering sensations, rapid breathing, fast heart rate, chest pain, sweating, faintness, and/or a feeling of impending doom.

If you are experiencing problems such as these and are willing to participate in a research project that involves the assessment and treatment of your panic symptoms, call the Psychological Services Center at 1- 6914 or George Clum's lab at 1- 3235, or write to George Clum, Ph.D., Psychology Department, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061- 0436.

Community hosts for international students sought

The Cranwell International Center invites faculty and staff members to become community hosts for new international students. Community hosts are individuals or families who volunteer to be friends with an international student. International students who request to participate in the International Host Program are matched with hosts for the academic year.

Hosts and students should plan some contact at least once a month. Many hosts include their include international students in family outings such as sports events, sightseeing, movies, hiking, shopping, drives on the partway, or coffee and conversation. The Cranwell International Center sponsors several activities during the year for hosts and their students, including a fall potluck and a spring outing.

Hosts do not assume any financial responsibility or accommodations for their students.

For more information, call 1-6527, or stop by the Cranwell International Center at the south end of Clay Street.

Volunteers needed to welcome international students

Volunteers are needed to help the Welcome Center greet new international students for fall semester and present information about the university, Blacksburg, and the New River Valley. Volunteers will be at the Cranwell International Center Monday-Friday, July 31-August 15, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

International students will receive information about housing, banking, health insurance, temporary bus passes. Training is provided for volunteers.

International Student Orientation for new international students will be held August 16-18 beginning at 8:30 a.m. Issues such as academic procedures and policies, English as a second language, university services, health insurance, immigration, employment, and cultural adjustment will be addressed.

For more information about the international orientation or to volunteer to help with the Welcome Center, call 1-6527.