Spectrum - Volume 17 Issue 37 July 27, 1995 - 1995 Incentive Pay Plan
A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
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, a special section of the
printed 4 times a year
1995 Incentive Pay Plan
Spectrum Volume 17 Issue 37 - July 27, 1995
Personnel Services is currently preparing for the implementation of the 1995 Incentive Pay Plan. The following is information concerning changes, the timeline established to follow in the evaluation process, and the performance evaluation training sessions. If clarification is needed, please feel free to contact Personnel Services at 540-231-5303.
Performance Increases
The evaluation ratings of Does Not Meet Expectations , Fair But Needs Improvement, Meets Expectations , Exceeds Expectations, and Exceptional are the same as last year; however, no funds for increases for performance were approved by the General Assembly. In addition, no increases will be provided at the end of the probationary status for new employees hired between May 1 and Oct. 31, 1995. Employees whose salaries fall below the current salary-range minimums will be adjusted by 2.25 percent, but will remain below the new, Dec. 1, 1995 range minimums.
Structure Adjustment for Classified and Wage Employees
The governor and the General Assembly have approved a 2.25-percent salary structure adjustment for classified and hourly wage employees effective Dec. 1, 1995. Salary increases will be granted to ALL classified and wage employees regardless of their performance rating.
Evaluation Timeline
Supervisors may evaluate employees for this performance cycle beginning Aug. 1, 1995; the completed evaluation forms must be in Personnel Services by Friday, Sept. 29, 1995.
Performance Evaluation Training
for SupervisorsTraining on performance evaluations for supervisors will once again be offered on the following dates. Registration is required. Contact Vicky Price at 540-231-9331 or send an e-mail note to PRICEVS@vt.edu.
Monday, Aug. 14, 9-11:30 a.m., Marriott Inn, Board Room.
Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1:30-4 p.m., CEC, Conference Room C.
Thursday, Sept. 7, 9-11:30 a.m., CEC, Conference Room E.