Spectrum - Volume 18 Issue 01 August 24, 1995 - Ethernet connections project completed
A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
The Conductor
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printed 4 times a year
Ethernet connections project completed
By John AshbySpectrum Volume 18 Issue 01 - August 24, 1995
Ethernet connections were installed in three residence halls this summer in a project described by Provost Peggy Meszaros as exemplary of cooperation between university departments.
The Communications Network Services project began May 22, and was completed August 16. Students in 700 rooms in O'Shaughnessy, Slusher Tower, Slusher Wing, and Payne Hall now have ethernet connections. The project involved 13,000 CNS work-hours, 118,000 feet of copper cable installed, 40,996 meters of fiber installed, three equipment rooms renovated, duct bank installed, electrical panels installed and relocated, smoke-alarm systems relocated, lighting installed, and 10,000 square feet of new ceiling installed.
Meszaros said, "The project to install ethernet systems this summer represents an excellent example of collaboration and a 'can do' approach across academic and adminstrative units. The ultimate benefit achieved is that our students will have an enhanced learning environment through networking and computing technology. I commend all the units that came together to make this happen in such a short time with such superb results for our students."
The departments involved in the project with CNS were Physical Plant, Residential Programs, Purchasing, and Environmental Health and Safety.
Upgrading the existing communications infrastucture is considered critical in making the university a leader in implementing advanced information technologies. According to Executive Vice President Minnis Ridenour, "Some $450,000 has been budgeted from the telecommunications system to provide for ethernet installation in selected residence halls on campus. We have also included $4.8 million in the 1996-98 appropriations request to the governor and the General Assembly to continue the ethernet upgrade campus-wide. These funds have been requested under the library guidelines in recognition that the ethernet capability extends the virtual library throughout the residence halls and campus."