Spectrum - Volume 18 Issue 03 September 7, 1995 - Caucus announces officers
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Caucus announces officers
By Matt WinstonSpectrum Volume 18 Issue 03 - September 7, 1995
The Black Caucus of Virginia Tech has announced its new officers for the 1995-1996 year.
A. Curtis Lynch, supervisor of Parking Services, will be president. Lynch succeeds Barbara Pendergrass, who works in the Dean of Students Office.
Other officers are Herman Warren, first vice-president; Ronald Giddings, second vice-president; Oscar Williams, secretary; Mark Smith, treasurer; and professor Bevlee Watford, parliamentarian.
The Black Caucus of Virginia Tech was established in 1981 in an effort to provide professional support for issues of particular interest to black faculty and staff members, students, and the entire university community.
Caucus membership is open to all faculty and staff members, graduate students, and individuals recognized as associated with Virginia Tech who support the objectives of the caucus.
This past year, the Black Caucus has engaged in several activities and initiatives at the university.
In May, the caucus held its first annual recognition luncheon to recognize the achievements of its members and others in the university community for outstanding achievement in their professional careers. The caucus also encouraged participation and support for Project CI, a fund drive to restore and revive the Christiansburg Institute.
The caucus has also established an advisory council that meets with President Paul Torgersen to discuss issues that affect the black community. Caucus members also sit on the University Council and the University Committee on Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action.
The Black Caucus has sponsored luncheons, receptions, speaking engagements and cultural programs to recognize noted individuals such as former Provost E. Fred Carlisle, former professors Leroy and Johnnie Miles, former Black Caucus president, the late Ernest Andrews, former Roanoke Mayor Noel Taylor, and others. The caucus has also established a fund for students in need of emergency assistance and for the support of black cultural programs in the university community.