Spectrum - Volume 18 Issue 04 September 14, 1995 - Information Systems Restructuring Update
A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
The Conductor
, a special section of the
printed 4 times a year
Information Systems Restructuring Update
Spectrum Volume 18 Issue 04 - September 14, 1995
For the past two years, Information Systems has undergone considerable transformation and restructuring in an effort to realize the potential of information technologies to improve teaching and learning, research, outreach, and support services. The goal of this transformation is to provide a competitive advantage to all members of the university community.
Information Systems' restructuring reflects the beginning of a shift from traditional library, computing center, telecommunications, and media support to new service models driven, in part, by the extraordinary development of information technologies. This necessitates fundamental changes in individual responsibilities and organizational relationships. The challenge is to create an organization that, although physically dispersed and culturally diverse, shares the common goal of supporting an environment in which information, more often than not, is delivered through the network to the desktop.
Operational savings and economies realized through Information Systems' restructuring have been reallocated to develop the evolving infrastructure, specifically to support the Instructional Development Initiative and Faculty Development Institutes; research computing; the ENABLE Project; and to enhance outreach initiatives such as the Collegiate Librarian/Information Officer (CLIO) Program, the Scholarly Communications Project (SCP), and off-campus network development.
Following is a list of Information Systems personnel who are playing new leadership roles within the division as a result of changing emphases and new initiatives.
Michael Williams--associate vice president for information systems--has a special focus on research support as well as responsibility for overall resource budgeting in Information Systems.
Joanne Eustis--director of planning and program review--is charged with primary responsibility for strategic planning, program assessment and facilitating the integration of Information Systems' services to maximize the utilization of resources.
Brenda Neidigh--administrative assistant.
Gary Worley--director, production services.
Theta Bowden--director, Project ENABLE; Randy Crockett--team leader, Financial Aid/ENABLE; Wayne Donald--team leader, Staff Support/ENABLE; Carol Eggleston--team leader, Alumni and Development/ENABLE; Marshall Fisher--director, Computing Operations; Fred Medley--team leader, Operational Support/ENABLE; Christine Morrison--manager, Database Management Services; Barbara Robinson--director, Client Systems Development and Support.
Donald Kenney--associate dean, University Libraries; Gail McMillan--head, Special Collections and director, Scholarly Communications Project, University Libraries; Leslie O'Brien--head, Technical Services, University Libraries.
On page 3, you will find a chart that highlights Information Systems special initiatives and the interrelationships of Information Systems units within each initiative or project team.
In summary, Information Systems restructuring efforts have been directed at working not only more effectively but also outside the confines of our traditional organizations. Only by forming a new organizational structure and working in a more integrated fashion will we be able to enhance information support and provide the university community with the richest possible set of information resources and services in a networked environment.