Spectrum - Volume 18 Issue 08 October 12, 1995 - Calendar
A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
The Conductor
, a special section of the
printed 4 times a year
Spectrum Volume 18 Issue 08 - October 12, 1995
Thursday, 12Art Exhibit Opening, Armory Art Gallery: "Painted Constructions," by Carol Burch-Brown. Through 11-11.
YMCA Slide Show, noon, Cranwell International Center: "Grand Canyon-Seasonal Changes in Spring and Fall," by Beth Thomas.
Gerontology/Aging Honor Society Meeting, 3:30 p.m., 300 Wallace.
"Meetings with ...," Owens Banquet Room, 4-5 p.m.: Open discussion with Provost Peggy Meszaros.
OSI Club, 7 p.m., 145 Squires.
Global Issues Forum, 7:30 p.m., Squires Colonial Hall: "Africa in Crisis: The Passions, The Problems, and The Prospects," by Ali A. Mazrui, SUNY-Binghamton.
Friday, 13
Last Day to Resign.
Homecoming: Through 10-15.
Global Issues Forum , noon, 150 Squires: "Africa's Triple Heritage Re-Examined: Indigenous, Islamic, and Western Legacies," by Ali A. Mazrui, SUNY-Binghamton.
Textual & Editorial Studies Center/Science Study Center Talk, 3 p.m., 216 Newman: "Trees of History: Branching Genealogies in Textual Stemmatics, Linguistics, and Evolutionary Biology," by Robert O'Hara, UNC-Greenville.
Saturday, 14
Football vs. Akron, 1 p.m., Lane Stadium: Homecoming.
Sunday 15
YMCA Hike, 1:30 p.m., meet at Y Parking Lot, 403 Washington St.: Angels Rest, led by David Jenkins.
Monday, 16
Salary and wage paydate.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month Film, noon, Women's Center, Price House: Defending Our Lives."
Soup and Substance, noon, 116 Squires: "World Food Day: Is the World Really Starving?" by George Norton.
Women in Mathematics Program, 2-3 p.m., 216 Randolph: "Rosa Huang's Work in Combinatorial Invariant Theory," by Neil While, Florida.
University Council, 3 p.m., 1045 Pamplin.
Women in Mathematics Program, 3-4 p.m., Women's Center: Reception.
Women in Mathematics Program, 4-5 p.m., 209 McBryde: "Homology of Partially Ordered Sets of Partitions," by Michelle Wachs, Miami.
"With Good Reason," 7:30 p.m., WVTF 89.1: "Caught in the Web: Ethics and Cyberspace," with Karen Forcht, JMU, and Trotter Hardy, William & Mary.
Tuesday, 17
Bloodmobile, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Squires. Through 10-19.
YMCA Open University Registration, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., University Mall.
Faculty Senate, 7 p.m., 32 Pamplin.
VTU Entertainment Series, 7:30 p.m., Burruss: "The Fantasticks."
Women in Mathematics Program, 7:30-8:30 p.m., Squires Colonial Hall: "Women in Mathematics-from Dido to Today," by Mary Gray, American University.
Women in Mathematics Program, 8:30 p.m., Squires Williamsburg Room: Reception.
Wednesday, 18
Bloodmobile, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Squires. Through 10-19.
YMCA Open University Registration, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., WMH.
YMCA Open University Registration, noon.-6 p.m., Christiansburg Public Library.
Bach's Lunch, noon, Chapel: "Simple Gifts."
Organization of Women Faculty Panel Discussion, 5 p.m., 315A Cheatham: "Getting Tenure: A Variety of Perspectives," with Catherine Eckel, Carol Burch-Brown, Elizabeth Grabau, and Anne McNabb.
Thursday 19
YMCA Open University Registration, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., YMCA Office.
Bloodmobile, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Squires.
YMCA Slide Show, noon, Cranwell International Center: "Birding in Costa Rica in 1995," by John Murray.
Women in Mathematics Program, 2-2:30 p.m., 216 McBryde: "Fluid Dynamics," by Yuriko Renardy.
Women in Mathematics Program, 2:30-3 p.m., 216 McBryde: "Control Theory," by Christine McMillan.
Women in Mathematics Program, 3-4 p.m., Women's Center, Price House: Reception.
Women in Mathematics Program, 4-5 p.m., 136 Norris: "Computation and Proof in Soap-Bubble-Related Mathematics," by Jean Taylor, Rutgers.
Staff Senate, 5:30 p.m., Vet Med College Center.
OSI Club, 7 p.m., 219 Squires.
Thursday, 12
Science Study Center, 12:30 p.m., 427 Major Williams: "Faculty Pay Raises Ought to be Allocated on an Absolute Dollar Basis Rather Than on a Relative Percentage Basis," by Golde Holtzman.
Geological Sciences, 4 p.m., 2044 Derring: "Gold," by Jim Craig.
Physics , 3:30 p.m., 2030 Pamplin: "How Accurately Do We Know the Charge of the Electron," by Toichiro Kinoshita, Cornell.
Special Science Study Center/Center for Textual and Editorial Sciences, 4 p.m., 334 Major Williams: The Space of Time: Temporal Representation and the Historical Sciences," by Robert O'Hara, UNC Greensboro.
Friday, 13
MCBB, noon, 102 Fralin: "Biotechnology in Forestry and Forest Industries with a Focus on Antisense Genetic Engineering as a Tool for Production of Transgenic Trees with Less Ligan," by Eric Eriksson, Georgia.
Botany, 4 p.m., 1076 Derring: "Response of Forest Trees to Carbon Dioxide Enrichments of the Atmosphere," by Richard Norby, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Signals and Systems, 4 p.m., 457 Whittemore: "Introduction to Discrete Event Dynamic Systems," by Paolo Dadone.
Monday, 16
Biochemistry/Anaerobic Microbiology, 4 p.m., 223 Engel: "Application of Molecular Biology to the Solution of Violent Crime," by Sam Baechtel, forensic examiner, FBI.
CSES, 4 p.m., 331 Smyth: "New Media Center Demonstration," by Library staff.
Geological Sciences, 4 p.m., 2044 Derring: "Volcanic Processes and Massive Sulphide Formation," by Richard Stanton, University of New England, Australia.
Horticulture, 4 p.m., 102 Saunders: "Quantifying Virginia's Largest Industry," by Bob Bass, Virginia Deptartment of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
Mechanical Engineering, 4 p.m., 110 Randolph: "A Component Mode Synthesis Method for the Eigen Solution of MDOF Systems," by A. Ramani.
Wednesday, 18
CASS, 3 p.m., 5 Davidson: "Miscibility Window for Blends of Poly (Vinyl Acetate) with Acrylate-Acrylic Acid Copolymers," by Richard H. Bott.
Computer Science, 4 p.m., 114 Holden: "A Methodology for the Evaluation of Complex System Designs," by Michael L. Talbert.
Thursday, 19
Statistics, 3:45 p.m., 409 Hutcheson: "On the Sign Test with Zeroes: When the Ties Have It," by Clint Coakley.
Geological Sciences, 4 p.m., 2044 Derring: "The Origin, Evolution, and Strength of Pacific Fracture Zones," by Sarah Kruse, William & Mary.
Meszaros guest for open meeting today
The first of a series of three open meetings hosted by the Faculty Senate to allow faculty and staff members to interact with top university officials on an informal basis is scheduled for this afternoon, October 12, from 4-5 p.m. in Owens Banquet Room. Provost Peggy Meszaros is the invited guest.
President Paul Torgersen will be the guest on November 9. Executive Vice President Minnis Ridenour will be at the December 8 meeting.
First Global Issues Forum tonight
Ali A. Mazrui, author and narrator of the BBC series "The Africans: A Triple Heritage," will discuss "Africa in Crisis: The Passions, The Problems, and The Prospects" at 7:30 p.m. tonight, October 12, in Squires Colonial Hall. Tomorrow, October 13, at noon, he will address the topic "Africa's Triple Heritage Re-Examined: Indigenous, Islamic, and Western Legacies" in Squires 150. The talks are open to the public.
Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week 1995 scheduled
National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week (NCAAW) will be held October 15-21. This is a time when the Office of Health Education, in cooperation with other departments on campus and student organizations, works to provide alcohol awareness and education to the campus community through programs, guest speakers, and alternative activities to drinking alcohol.
On Sunday, Oct. 15, UUSA will sponsor a nine-ball tournament from 12:30-6 p.m. in Squires.
Max Portney will speak on Monday, Oct. 16, at 7 p.m. in Squires Haymarket Theatre. His speech is sponsored by USHS, the Athletic Department, the Greek Councils, and Theta Chi Fraternity.
On Tuesday, Oct. 17, there will be a bowling special (buy one game, get one free) at Squires from 9 a.m. until closing, sponsored by UUSA. There also will be a Mock Road Block from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on the Drillfield, sponsored by the Virginia Tech Police Department.
On Thursday, Oct. 19, there will be a Staff Development program by Caroline Self at 8:30 a.m. in Squires Brush Mountain Room A, sponsored by the Office of Health Education.
Also on Thursday, there will be a Spades Tournament at 7:30 p.m. at the Black Cultural Center in Squires, sponsored by: Alpha Phi Alpha, and an "All-Nighter" featuring basketball, water polo, and aerobics, from 9 p.m.-2 a.m. at War Memorial Hall sponsored by Recreational Sports and USHS.
On Friday, Oct. 20, there will be another bowling special at Squires from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., sponsored by UUSA.
New U.S. mailbox installed
A United States Postal mailbox has been installed on Southgate Drive in front of the Food Stores building, which is adjacent to Personnel, Purchasing, and the Controller's Office. This is a drive-by mail box, located on the concrete sidewalk in front of Food Stores section of the Southgate Center.
The box is installed temporarily; there will be a probationary period for the next few months to determine if there is a need for the box. The Postmaster will monitor usage, and plans to install a permanent box if there are 30-50 pieces in the box each day.
The pick-up time is 10 a.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays when the U.S. mail does not normally operate.
University policy #5210, Item #8, states that personal mail is not to be mailed from campus. However, according to Maynard Quesenberry, director of University Mail Services, "personal mail goes through the system all the time. With the volume of mail that comes through, there's no way for us to monitor personal mail." Quesenberry says that monitoring of personal mail must be done on the departmental level.
On the Virginia Tech campus, there are only two other U.S. Postal boxes, one at Burruss Hall and one at the University Bookstore.
University employees are asked to make every effort to use the box so that it becomes a permanent fixture, not just probationary. The Business Affairs Staff Association, which was responsible for having the box placed, suggests that employees use the box for their holiday mailings.
Videos available for overnight checkout
The Media Center has expanded its circulation policy to include overnight video checkouts to students. Faculty and staff members are eligible to borrow two videos at a time and students are entitled to one video per day.
These videos must be returned the following business day (example: videos checked out on Wednesday are due Thursday, checked out on Friday are due Monday) and carry an overdue fine of $5 per day.
Virginia Tech Dairy Club announces annual cheese sale
The Virginia Tech Dairy is holding its annual sale of cheeses direct from Wisconsin now through November 4.
The wide selection of cheese, including one-pound blocks and creamy spreads, ranges from mild cheddar to spicy jalapeno. Also included in the sale are a variety of packs ready to be sent out as gifts, complete with a card carrying your own personalized message.
The cheese will be available for pick up from the Etgen Pavilion at the Dairy Cattle Center on Southgate Drive on December 1, 4, 5, and 6 from 3-6 p.m. If you wish, you may specify that orders be shipped directly to gift recipients or delivered to your home during the week of December 4.
For more information or to obtain an order form, call Joni at 1-4769 or Meryl at 961-1434
Counselors available in Charlottesville
The Department of Employee Relations Counselors will meet with interested employees in Charlottesville on Tuesday, Oct. 24, from 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. and on Wednesday, Oct. 25, from 8:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Room 253 of the Virginia Transportation Research Council on the University of Virginia campus.
The counseling program provides employees outside the Richmond area with an opportunity to meet individually with a staff counselor and to receive assistance options for dealing with work-related concerns, discussion of applicable state policies, information on the Grievance Procedure, and/or referral for further assistance.
Half-hour appointments must be made in advance. To arrange an appointment, call the Department of Employee Relations Counselors at 1-800-552-9720.
Free baby-sitting offered to faculty, staff members
The Panhellenic Council of Virginia Tech is hosting a night of free baby-sitting for faculty and staff members' children ages 3-10 on Friday, Oct. 20, from 5-10 p.m. The council will keep the children in 236 Squires, and will provide pizza, snacks, games, movies, and other activities.
Admission will be a non-perishable food item to be donated to the Montgomery County Christmas Store.
To sign up, call Dara Boyd at 953-0872 by October 17.
Women in Mathematics celebration planned
In celebration of its centennial, the Mathematics Department at Virginia Tech has dedicated the week of October 16-20 to Women in Mathematics at Virginia Tech: Past, Present, and Future. The program for the week includes lectures by and about internationally acclaimed women mathematicians, and a day devoted to on-campus mathematical activities for approximately 100 young women from Montgomery County middle and high schools.
For more information and a complete listing of events, see the article in last week's Spectrum on page 5, or this week's Spectrum calendar.
Service-Learning Center preparing list of spring courses
The Service-Learning Center is preparing a roster of service-learning courses for Spring 1996. Service-learning courses integrate a structured community-service component into traditional course work.
The service component typically constitutes approximately 25-40 percent of the final grade, and is supported by reflective and critical writing assignments. Frequently, the community-service component is presented as an option for fulfilling course requirements.
Faculty members planning to integrate community service into coursework during the spring semester, or wanting to explore the service-learning option, should contact Michele James-Deramo at 1-6947, or deramo@vt.edu .
CommonHealth offers screening mammograms
Western Virginia Community Health Services will be on campus with their mobile mammography unit on Tuesday, Oct. 24. Any interested employee can make an appointment by calling the CommonHealth Office at 1-7810.
The screening takes approximately 20 minutes and costs $60. You may pay on the day of your appointment with cash, check, or Visa/MasterCard credit card. You will be given a receipt that you may file with your insurance provider if screening mammograms are covered under your plan. The film will be read by a local radiologist and stored at a local hospital. Your report will be mailed to the physician you indicate.
Roy to read from new poetry book
Lucinda Roy, who is an associate dean in the College of Arts and Sciences, the Gloria D. Smith professor of black studies, and associate professor of English, will sign her new book of poetry, The Humming Birds , Thursday, Oct. 19, from noon to 2 p.m. at Volume II Bookstore. At 5 p.m., Roy will read from the book in Squires Colonial Hall.
A reception will be held after the reading in the Black Cultural Center, Squires.
Roy is the author of another book of poetry, Wailing the Dead to Sleep , and the winner of the Baxter Hathaway Prize from Epoch. Her work has appeared in The American Poetry Review , the New Orleans Review , Callaloo , and many other journals in the United States, England, and Jamaica.
All events are open to the public at no charge.