Spectrum - Volume 18 Issue 19 February 1, 1996 - Carboni lawsuit dismissed

A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
including The Conductor , a special section of the Spectrum printed 4 times a year

Carboni lawsuit dismissed

By Jeff Douglas

Spectrum Volume 18 Issue 19 - February 1, 1996

<united 1995.<p="" 6,="" a="" against="" and="" by="" c.="" college="" court="" dismissed="" district="" employees="" federal="" filed="" former="" four="" has="" in="" james="" judge="" june="" lawsuit="" medicine="" of="" on="" professors="" regional="" states="" student="" suit="" the="" turk="" veterinary="" veterinary-college="" virginia-maryland="" who=""> Turk found that Deborah Ann Carboni's constitutional rights were not violated and her rights to due process were followed according to federal standards throughout a cheating incident and subsequent investigation that occurred while she was enrolled in the college.

Turk granted a motion for summary judgement on behalf of the defendants and dismissed without prejudice all state-law-based allegations.

"The court finds that the defendant's actions with respect to the search fall within the scope of qualified immunity, and that the plaintiff received all the process she was due during the Honor Board and Faculty Appeal stages," Turk wrote in the 20-page opinion.

Carboni is no longer a student in the college.
