Spectrum - Volume 18 Issue 24 March 21, 1996 - Jobs

A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
including The Conductor , a special section of the Spectrum printed 4 times a year


Spectrum Volume 18 Issue 24 - March 21, 1996



ACCOUNTANT (4526P) Controller's Office. Normal Starting Pay: $22,931 (Grade 9). FULL-TIME POSITION. Position ends 6-30-96. Renewed yearly. Application deadline: March 22.

ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR (6571P) Environmental Health and Safety. Normal Starting Pay: $22,931 (Grade 9). FULL-TIME POSITION, renewed yearly. Application deadline: March 29.

FOOD OPERATIONS ASSISTANT A (FOA-1C) Culinary Services. Normal Starting pay: $5.41 (Grade 1). An applicant pool is now being established to fill wage food operations assistant A positions. These vacancies include temporary, full-time, and part-time work. Shifts vary and may include day, evening, night, and weekend hours, and may include some overtime and call-in work. Non-student WAGE food operations assistant A vacancies for Culinary Services will be filled from this pool. The vacancies are seasonal and run from August to May. Wage employees are restricted to working a maximum of 1,500 hours in a 365-day period from date of hire. Applications will be accepted at the Personnel Services Office, Southgate Center, through 5 p.m. Friday, March 22. You need submit only one application for this pool. Be sure that you include your complete related background such as dates and places of employment, duties performed, and type of food service equipment used. Individuals with disabilities desiring accommodation in the application process are requested to call by the application deadline. Any questions should be directed to the Personnel Services Office, Southgate Center 1-5301.

FOOD OPERATIONS MANAGER A ("Right Track" Sous Chef) (2809G) Culinary Services. Normal Starting Pay: $20,976 (Grade 8). FULL-TIME POSITION. Work schedule varies to include nights and weekends. Application deadline: April 19.

FOOD PRODUCTION WORKER A (1114G) Donaldson Brown Hotel and Conference Center. Normal Starting Pay: $13,436 (Grade 3). FULL-TIME POSITION. Work schedule varies to include days, evenings, and weekends. Application deadline: March 22.

GRAPHIC ARTIST (4422J) Center for Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Normal Starting Pay: $19,188 (Grade 7). FULL-TIME POSITION, position ends 2-28-97, renewed yearly. Application deadline: March 22.

HOUSEKEEPING WORKER (1071G) Residential and Dining Programs. Normal Starting Pay: $11,243 (Grade 1). TWO FULL-TIME POSITIONS. Work schedule: 7.30 a.m.-4.30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Application deadline: March 22.

HOUSEKEEPING WORKER (2244G) Residential and Dining Programs. Normal Starting Pay: $11,243 (Grade 1). FULL-TIME POSITION. Work schedule: 7.30 a.m.-4.30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Application deadline: March 22.

INSTALLATION and REPAIR TECHNICIAN (519J) Communications Network Services. Normal Starting Pay: $20,976 (Grade 8). FULL-TIME POSITION. Position ends 6-30-96, renewed yearly. Application deadline: March 22.

LABORATORY SPECIALIST (6579G) Biochemistry. Normal Starting Pay: $20,976 (Grade 8). FULL-TIME POSITION. Ending date 9-30-96. Application deadline: March 22.

LABORATORY SPECIALIST (W41P) Biology. Normal Starting Pay: $10.08 (Grade 8). PART-TIME POSITION, for 20 hours per week. Application deadline: March 22.

MASON-PLASTERER (983P) Physical Plant. Normal Starting Pay: $19,188 (Grade 7). FULL-TIME POSITION, renewed yearly. Application deadline: March 22.

MECHANICAL ENGINEER (7139P) Physical Plant. Normal Starting Pay: $29,957 (Grade 12). FULL-TIME POSITION, renewed yearly. Application deadline: March 29.

OFFICE SERVICES SPECIALIST (1987J) Communications Network Services. Normal Starting Pay: $16,056 (Grade 5). FULL-TIME POSITION. Position ends 6-30-96, renewed yearly. Application deadline: March 22.

STARTER-MARSHALL-SHOP ATTENDANT (Office Services Aide) (WZ11S) Golf Course. Normal Starting Pay: $5.91 (Grade 2). TWO PART-TIME POSITIONS, each 17-20 hours per week. Work Schedule: Hours vary to include weekend work. Previously advertised; it is not necessary to reapply to be considered. Application deadline: Open until filled.

TAILOR (W33S) Tailor Shop. Normal Starting Pay: $5.91 (Grade 2). FULL-TIME POSITION, not to exceed 1,500 hours in a 365-day period. Application deadline: March 22.

OFFICE SERVICES SPECIALIST (6582J) Electrical Engineering (Center for Wireless Telecommunications). Normal Starting Pay: $16,056 (Grade 5). FULL-TIME POSITION, renewed yearly. Application deadline: March 22.


OFFICE SERVICES ASSISTANT (UW44P) Parking Services. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $7.06 (Grade 4). PART-TIME POSITION. 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. Application deadline: March 22.

PROGRAM SUPPORT TECHNICIAN (U3520G) College of Forestry and Wildlife Resources. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY . Normal Starting Pay: $17,552 (Grade 6). FULL-TIME POSITION. Will include occasional (four to five times a year) weekend work. Position previously advertised; you must reapply to be considered. Application deadline: March 22

ANIMAL CARE TECHNICIAN B (UW36D) Veterinary Medicine. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $7.72 (Grade 5). PART-TIME POSITION, eight-16 hours per week, on weekends and holidays, renewed yearly. Application deadline: March 22.

ANIMAL CARE TECHNICIAN B (U3322D) Veterinary Medicine Experiment Station. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $16,056 (Grade 5). FULL-TIME POSITION. Application deadline: March 22.

ANIMAL CARE TECHNICIAN B (UW43D) Veterinary Medicine Experiment Station. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $7.72 (Grade 5). PART-TIME POSITION, 30 hours per week, not to exceed 1,500 hours per year from date of hire. Application deadline: March 22.

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY (U5337G) Cooperative Extension-CALS. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $17,552 (Grade 6). FULL-TIME POSITION. Application deadline: March 22.

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY (U5127G) Cooperative Extension-4-H Department. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $17,552 (Grade 6). FULL-TIME POSITION. Application deadline: March 22.

FISCAL ASSISTANT (U6580P) Student Accounts. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $16,056 (Grade 5). FULL-TIME POSITION. Renewed yearly. Application deadline: March 22.

GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR (U4070J) Office of Sponsored Programs. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $25,068 (Grade 10). FULL-TIME POSITION. Application deadline: March 22.

NURSING ASSISTANT (U6559J) Family and Child Development . UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $14,688 (Grade 4). FULL-TIME POSITION. Application deadline: March 22.

OFFICE SERVICES ASSISTANT (U802D) Communication Network Services. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $14,688 (Grade 4). FULL-TIME POSITION. Position ends 6-30-96, renewed yearly. Application deadline: March 22.

OFFICE SERVICES ASSISTANT (UW40C) Veterinary Teaching Hospital. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $7.06 (Grade 4). PART-TIME POSITION, 30 hours per week, varied schedule, limited to 1,500 hours per year from date of hire. Application deadline: March 22.

OFFICE SERVICES SPECIALIST (U6581P) Student Accounts. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $16,056 (Grade 5). FULL-TIME POSITION, renewed yearly. Application deadline: March 22.

OFFICE SERVICES SPECIALIST (U2023C) Veterinary Medicine. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $16,056 (Grade 5). FULL-TIME POSITION. Previously advertised; it is not necessary to reapply to be considered . Application deadline: March 22.

PROGRAMMER (U2259J) Administrative Information Systems. U NIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $25,068 (Grade 10). FULL-TIME POSITION. Application deadline: March 22.

PUBLIC RELATIONS ASSISTANT SPECIALIST (U4480G) Agriculture and Applied Economics. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $20,976 (Grade 8). FULL-TIME POSITION. Position ends: 3-30-97. Renewed yearly. Application deadline: March 22.

SECRETARY SENIOR (U1436J) College for Architecture and Urban Studies. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $16,056 (Grade 5). FULL-TIME POSITION. Application deadline: March 22.

SECRETARY SENIOR (U2253G) Dean of Students. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES ONLY. Normal Starting Pay: $16,056 (Grade 5). FULL-TIME POSITION. Application deadline: March 22.



RESEARCH SPECIALIST (6583). Normal Starting Pay: $20,976 (Grade 8). Position location: Newbern, N.C. Apply To: Dr. Jeff Walters, VPI&SU, Biology, Derring Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0406. FULL-TIME POSITION. Application deadline: April 5.

RESEARCH SPECIALIST SENIOR (4609). Normal Starting Pay: $22,931 (Grade 9). Position location: Blackstone, VA. Apply To: Jeff Waldron, Fisheries and Wildlife, Information Exchange, 205 B. Washington St., Blacksburg, VA 24061. FULL-TIME POSITION. Application deadline: March 22.

Faculty Jobs


DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN NUTRITION AND FOODS. Assistant Professor. Position is a nine-month, tenure-track position available Aug. 15, 1996. Position is 60-percent teaching, 40-percent research. Ph.D. in nutrition or related area required. Responsibilities: teach undergraduate and graduate courses in general and metabolic nutrition; develop research program capable of attracting outside funding which supports department initiative in human metabolic studies directed toward human nutrition requirements and metabolism; direct graduate-student research; advise undergraduate students; participate in professional service. Application procedure: send letter, vita, transcripts, summary of research and teaching interests (one to two pages), and names of three references whom you have requested to forward letters to Dr. Forrest W. Thye, Search Committee Chair, Department of Human Nutrition and Foods, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0430. Telephone 1-6620. Fax 1-3916. Review of applications will begin April 16, 1996, and continue until position is filled.

DEPARTMENT OF CLOTHING AND TEXTILES. Assistant Professor. Tenure-track. Nine-month academic year. Teach undergraduate courses and graduate courses in apparel design or merchandising management. Will also teach undergraduate courses in textiles. Direct graduate students and advise undergraduate students. Secure funding and conduct research that fits the mission of the college and meets the needs of Virginia industry. Develop outreach program for the Virginia apparel or retail industry. Serve on department, college, and university committees. Ph.D. with preference for at least one degree in the clothing-and-textiles field. Teaching, research, and outreach experience in apparel design or merchandising management or textiles. Starting date is Aug. 15, 1996. Salary is commensurate with experience. Applications will be reviewed starting April 1, 1996, and will continue until the position is filled. Please send a letter of application, vita, transcripts, and the names and contact information for three references to Dr. Roberta Minish, Interim Department Head, Department of Clothing and Textiles, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0410.


CAREER SERVICES. Career Advisor. The advisor position will provide career advising to Virginia Tech students pursuing full-time positions, will assist students with career decision making, and will serve as a cooperative-education advisor for students from selected academic departments. Furthermore, the position will provide advising for alumni about career-related concerns, will present various workshops to students, will assist with in-take and walk-in advising, will make employer site visits for co-ops, and may teach credit classes on career decision making. The position also will coordinate one or more programs, such as alumni services, mock interviews, peer assistants, workshops, and various orientation programs. Successful applicant will possess a master's degree in counseling, student affairs, or a related major. Business or industry experience will be considered a plus. One to three years experience is sought in the candidates for this position. Applicants will be considered until the position is filled; screening will begin immediately. Candidates should submit a resume, and include the names of at least four references, to Career Advisor Search, Henderson Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0128.

UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT. Assistant/Associate Director of Development for the Virginia Tech Athletic Fund. The assistant/associate director of development in the Office of the Athletic Fund will coordinate fundraising activities as they pertain to athletics in assigned geographical territories. The assistant/associate director will also have staff assignments to subsidiary organizations maintained through the Athletic Fund Office. Specific activities will include but not be limited to: staff local volunteer support organizations (Hokie Club); organize new area Hokie Clubs where needed; recruit, train, and motivate volunteers for the purpose of generating annual support; assist in identifying major-gift prospects for Intercollegiate Athletics; cultivate and solicit major-gift prospects; and, staff liaison to committees of the Virginia Tech Athletic Fund. Bachelor's degree required; advanced degree(s) preferred. Knowledge of Virginia Tech and its athletic program is extremely helpful. Experience in fund raising or related experience directly transferable to the position is desirable. Ability to function independently while working as part of a team, along with strong written and verbal communication skills. Ability to travel extensively. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, resume, and names of five references to Michael W. Carroll, Associate Vice President for University Development, 201 Pack Building, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0336. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY. Extension Associate. This position is in Blacksburg. The appointment is renewed annually. Major responsibilities include preparing educational materials and planning/conducting educational programs in sustainable forestry for loggers and forest landowners in Virginia. B.S. and M.S. in forestry, with educational background in forest management or forestry operations. Demonstrated ability to write well and to speak effectively to diverse audiences. Ability to work as part of a team with Department of Forestry faculty Extension specialists. Microcomputer skills are also a requirement. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Starting date is July 1, 1996. To ensure consideration, please respond by May 1, 1996. Submit a letter of application, resume, names and addresses of three references, and transcripts to Dr. Robert M. Shaffer, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist-Forestry Operations, Department of Forestry, 228 Cheatham Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0324. Phone 1-7744. Fax 1-3330.