Spectrum - Volume 18 Issue 25 March 28, 1996 - CAPFA recommends A/P clarification

A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
including The Conductor , a special section of the Spectrum printed 4 times a year

CAPFA recommends A/P clarification

Spectrum Volume 18 Issue 25 - March 28, 1996

A grievance panel has requested that the Commission on Administrative and Professional Faculty (CAPFA) consider clarifying section 3.6 of the Faculty Handbook concerning reassignment of administrative and professional (A/P) faculty members to classified positions.

While reassignment from a faculty position to a classified position is relatively uncommon, it may occasionally be appropriate given a change in job responsibilities and the availability of a relevant classified title. In discussions of the current reassignment policy, CAPFA members felt that university administrators should have the flexibility to propose such changes to facilitate restructuring efforts or to bring a position in line with actual responsibilities.

Nevertheless, commission members believe that changes in salary and/or benefits resulting from reassignment constitute significant changes to an employee's status that deserve very careful consideration, approval by higher-level administrators for appropriateness and justification, and advance notice to the employee.

CAPFA has proposed a clarification of the existing reassignment policy. New or revised language is in bold italics below. Comments should be addressed to Marti O'Neill, chair of the commission, at moneill@vt.edu (or phone 1-2801) on or before April 5.

Proposed revised text from Section 3.6 of the Faculty Handbook :

2. Reassignment:

The University may reassign administrative and professional faculty members at any time. Reassignment may involve change in administrative title or supervisory responsibilities, reassignment to another position or department, transfer to a classified position , and/or reduction in salary commensurate with reduced responsibilities. Neither notice of non-reappointment nor removal for cause is required to effect a reassignment.

The University's responsibility under reassignment shall be to make available a substitute position or duties reasonably commensurate with the person's education, experience, and performance. Reassignment which involves a geographic transfer of more than 35 miles shall be conducted in accordance with the geographical transfer policy (see section 2.17).

In cases of reduction in salary and/or transfer to a classified position, the proposed reassignment must be reviewed and approved by the senior administrator. The effective date of the reassignment shall be no sooner than 90 days following senior administrator approval.