Spectrum - Volume 18 Issue 30 May 2, 1996 - Calendar

A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
including The Conductor , a special section of the Spectrum printed 4 times a year


Spectrum Volume 18 Issue 30 - May 2, 1996


Thursday, 2

Reading Day.

Friday, 3

Exams Begin.

Organization of Women Faculty Coffee Hour, 8-9 a.m., Mill Mountain Coffee.

Vice Provost Interview,

1-2:30 p.m., Squires Brush Mountain Room A: John Fulton.

Saturday, 4

Credit Union of Virginia Tech Annual Meeting, 7 p.m., Salem Civic Center.

Chamber Music, 8 p.m., Squires Recital Salon: Audubon Quartet.

Sunday, 5

Chamber Music, 3 p.m., Squires Recital Salon: Audubon Quartet.

Monday, 6

"Let's Talk," noon, Cranwell Center.

Vice Provost Interview,

1-2:30 p.m., Squires Brush Mountain Room A: Marlene Strathe.

University Council, 3 p.m., 1045 Pamplin.

"With Good Reason," 7:30 p.m., WVTF-FM: "Forever Young: New Medical Research to Live Longer, Better," with Paul Allaire, UVa, and John Nestler, VCU.

Tuesday, 7

CHRE Dean Interview,

4 p.m. DBHCC: H. Wells Singleton.

Wednesday, 8

Exams End.

Vice Provost Interview,

1-2:30 p.m., Squires Brush Mountain Room A: Joe Cowles.

Staff Commission Meeting, 1:30 p.m., 400D Burruss.

Thursday, 9

Senior Day.

Newman Library 40th Anniversary Celebration, 10 a.m., Alumni Hall lawn: Paul Metz, speaker.


DERC available in Southside

The Department of Employee Relations Counselors will meet with interested employees in Danville, Wednesday, May 8, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. in the McGovern Room of the Learning Resource Center at Danville Community College located at 1008 South Main Street.

On Thursday, May 9, from 8:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., counselors will meet with employees in Emporia at the Virginia Employment Commission, 1746 East Atlantic Street.

The counseling program provides employees outside the Richmond area with an opportunity to meet individually with a staff counselor and to receive assistance in options for dealing with work-related concerns, discussions of applicable state policies, information on the Grievance Procedure, and/or referral for further assistance.

Half-hour appointments must be made in advance. To arrange an appointment, call the Department of Employee Relations Counselors at 1-800-552-9720.

Conference scheduled for economic developers

Economic developers, Economic Development Authority board members, local government personnel, Industrial Development Authority (IDA) board members, and others interested in economic development can learn development financing techniques at a special seminar on May 15 at the Richmond Marriott Hotel.

Sponsored by Virginia Tech's Economic Development Assistance Center, the seminar will include topics on the Virginia Industrial Development and Revenue Bond Act, powers and duties of an IDA, issuance of bonds, municipal lease financing, and securitization of bonds. Discussions will include case studies.

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., followed by the seminar at 9 a.m. The one-day event will conclude at 4 p.m.

A registration fee of $95 includes refreshments, lunch, and seminar materials. Advance registration is required by May 1.

For more information, contact Sherri E. Thrift, project manager, by e-mail at sthrift@vt.edu, by telephone at 2-4004, or by fax at 1-8850.

Continuing Ed offers Internet training

Virginia Tech's Division of Continuing Education, the architects of the Blacksburg Electronic Village (BEV), and the instructional technology faculty in the university's College of Education have designed an Advanced Technology Series to provide hands-on Internet training geared to the special needs of a broad spectrum of students, from medical professionals to business executives to local government officials to parents. The first course in the series, a half-day session on "Web Page Development for Business and Training," begins at noon on May 12 at the Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center.

"We have transformed the conference center's Monroe Room into a modern computer laboratory to accommodate the technology training series. Students will use multimedia-equipped personal computers," said D. Mike Moore, professor of teaching and learning at Virginia Tech, who helped develop the program.

"Unlike most training, where the instructor conducts the demonstrations and the students watch, students in these courses will have individual computers to use during the sessions," said BEV Director Andrew Cohill, who helped coordinate the program development activities.

Each professional group will have its own schedule of courses. One series of workshops will focus on using technology in business and training, while other courses-the Internet Technology Series-will target medical professionals, educators, journalists, and other professional groups.

The Advanced Technology Series will also offer a short course on "Computational Methods in Stormwater Management" for civil engineers, "AutoCAD for Interior Designers and Facility Planners," and several workshops on "Advances in Technology" for teachers, extension agents, and parents.

According to Cohill, individual courses have been designed to accommodate different levels of computer skills as well as different needs for using the Internet. For example, a course being designed for school teachers, school librarians, and school administrators will focus on the facets of the Internet that are particularly useful to educators, while a proposed course for writers, editors, and managers will teach these professionals how to publish sophisticated Web documents on the Internet. The BEV staff is currently designing a series for medical professionals.

Among the other groups that can benefit from one or more of the courses are business people, civic groups, information technology managers, marketing managers, sales people, and lawyers. One course under development-the Weekend Internet Getaway-will offer two nights and three days at Hotel Roanoke, with two hands-on seminars on the Internet.

The Advanced Technology Series is a project of Virginia Tech's Center for Organizational and Technological Advancement (COTA).

For a schedule of courses or other information on the Advanced Technology Series, check http://www.vt.edu:10021/contEd/web.html on the Internet; send an e-mail message to Roy Jones, in Virginia Tech's Division of Continuing Education at royjones@vt.edu ; or call Jones at 1-9448.

Feminist directory to be published

As was done last year, a directory of people involved in feminist research and pedagogy at Virginia Tech will be published in fall 1996. The directory is an important resource, aimed at helping faculty members and graduate students identify and connect with those doing feminist research.

To submit information for inclusion in the directory, please send a typed one- or two-page paragraph summary that describes your writing and/or research to: Mehrotra, Dept. of Sociology (0137); 1-8963; fax # 1-3860; mmehrotr@vt.edu.

Please be sure to include your name, title, business address, phone number, and e-mail address.