Spectrum - Volume 20 Issue 06 October 2, 1997 - ETD workshops offered
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printed 4 times a year
ETD workshops offered
By Susan Trulove
Spectrum Volume 20 Issue 06 - October 2, 1997
The Graduate School is offering two "how-to" electronic-thesis-and-dissertation workshops for people with different levels of skill in computer use and writing for the web.
On Tuesday, Oct. 7, from 5 to 7 p.m. in 129 McBryde will be the program on "ETD Creation and Submission the Easy Way: The No-Pain Plan for the Novice Computer User."
On Wednesday, Oct. 8, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in 146 Smyth, will be the program on "Making the Most of Your ETD: Advanced ETD's for Power Users."
Regarding the workshop for novice computer and web users, Neill Kipp of the ETD initiative advises, "Come early. This workshop fills up fast."
The program will provide helpful hints for Microsoft Word and Corel Word Perfect users, such as how to meet Graduate School requirements for tabs, margins, page numbers, tables of contents and bibliographies; how to manage ETD's that are split into separate documents; and how to submit an electronic thesis or dissertation to the graduate school.
The October 8 workshop for "power users" will cover using the Adobe Exchange to make an electronic thesis or dissertation easier to use, such as with links, bookmarks, thumbnails, and yellow-stickies; submission alternatives for electronic theses or dissertations with complex equations; hypertext electronic thesis or dissertation submission using ETD-ML--the ETD initiative's adaptation of HTML; and how to incorporate multimedia objects such as scanned images, digital pictures, digital video, and digital audio.
More information is available at http://etd.vt.edu/ or send a note to etd@vt.edu .