Spectrum - Volume 20 Issue 11 November 6, 1997 - NEWSMAKERS

A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
including The Conductor , a special section of the Spectrum printed 4 times a year


Spectrum Volume 20 Issue 11 - November 6, 1997

Virginia Tech faculty and staff members and students are often the subject of significant national and state-wide news coverage. To better inform the university community about these accomplishments, the Office of University Relations has compiled this monthly report. This report excludes coverage in the Roanoke news-media market. For more information about the articles mentioned, call Julie Kane, university public relations coordinator, at 1-9934, or contact your college public relations office.
Metro Network (September 24): Plant Pathology Professor Carole Cramer discussed her transgenic tobacco research. Metro Network serves seven Tidewater radio stations.
Virginia News Network (September 29): Associate Food Science and Technology Professor Susan Sumner discussed the recent e coli outbreaks in processed food.
The Washington Post (September 30): Martin Chapman of the Seismological Observatory and the Department of Geological Sciences was quoted in an article about the earthquake Monday in Manassas.
Virginia News Network (September 30) The Washington Post (October 1): Martin Chapman discussed the history of Virginia earthquakes in the aftermath of a small quake in the Manassas area.
Voice of America (October 1): History Professor William Ochsenwald discussed Arab-Israeli relations.
ABC Radio (October 6): William Ochsenwald discussed attempts to restart the Middle East peace talks.
Virginia News Network (October 8): Food Science and Technology Professor Norm Marriott discussed the need for consumer awareness in the wake of recent food-safety concerns.
The History Channel (October 18): History Professor Crandall Shifflett discussed accidents, unions, and the death of the coal company town on "The Legacy of King Coal," a one-hour documentary.
(San Francisco) KQED Public Radio (October 23): Assistant Geology Professor John Hole discussed his recent research on the San Andreas Fault to improve understanding of earthquake activity in California and other areas.
Virginia Business (October): Don Chance , finance professor, was quoted in a story on student-investor programs in Virginia. The story included a section on Virginia Tech's SEED program.