Spectrum - Volume 20 Issue 11 November 6, 1997 - Final mainframe computing test Sunday
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printed 4 times a year
Final mainframe computing test Sunday
Spectrum Volume 20 Issue 11 - November 6, 1997
The final mainframe computing OS390 test is scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 9. Major system components have changed as a result of this upgrade. While many of these changes are apparent, some may require users to modify programs that routinely run on the mainframe. Personnel in departments with responsibilities for routine mainframe production processing, scripting, or printing are encouraged to participate in this final test. Staff members will be available to answer questions during the test Sunday. Call or send e-mail to OS390@vt.edu to obtain help during the test session.
For more information, call Becky Brim at 1-7925 ( brimb@vt.edu ) or Fred Medley at 1-6652. ( medleyjf@vt.edu ).