Spectrum - Volume 20 Issue 16 January 15, 1998 - CIL awards second series of grants
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CIL awards second series of grants
By Catherine Doss
Spectrum Volume 20 Issue 16 - January 15, 1998
Virginia Tech's Center for Innovation in Learning (CIL) has awarded its second series of course-development grants. The 26 grants total more than $737,000 and, in some cases, include additional college support. The proposals include core-curriculum courses as well as upper-level, graduate, and professional courses, and distance-learning projects. The grant money will be used to design courseware and materials that integrate technology into teaching.
"Response to this year's call for proposals was excellent, and we hope interest will continue to grow as faculty members create more new and effective ways to integrate technology in teaching and learning," said Anne H. Moore, director of information-technology initiatives. "The university's support of these types of instructional initiatives is visionary and strategic."
The grant winners are:
Core Courses
Kurt Stephenson and Dixie Reaves (agriculture and applied economics); Robert Schubert and Paul Travernise (architecture); Jane Aiken and Bailey Van Hook (art and art history); John Neal (biology); Judy Shrum (foreign languages and literatures); Kathleen Jones, Dan Thorp and Mark Barrow (history); Nancy Simmons (humanities/CIS); and Kim Richards (mining and minerals engineering).
Upper Level, Graduate, and Professional Courses
Muriel Lederman (biology); Holly Bender, Barbara Lockee and Rick Mills (biomedical sciences and pathobiology, teaching and learning, and electrical engineering); Thomas Caceci and John Robertson (biomedical sciences and pathobiology); Bradley Klein and Bonnie Smith (biomedical sciences and pathobiology); Kamal Rojiani (civil engineering); Naraine Persaud (crop and soil environmental sciences); Leonard Ferrari and Krishnan Ramu (electrical engineering); Daniel Gallagher, Thomas Burbey, Naraine Persaud and Mark Widdowson (geological sciences, civil engineering, crop and soil environmental sciences); Michael Murray and Scott Austin (large-animal clinical sciences and Equine Medical Center); Roberta Tillar (management science); Ruth Ann Smith (marketing).
Distance-Learning Courses
Gary Downey and Barbara Reeves (CIS); Thomas Mills and Nadia Boschi (building construction); Karen Roberto (family and child development); Carol Papillon, Terry Fox, Eleanor Schlenker, and J.C. Gordon (human nutrition, foods and exercise); Robert Rogers (math); Tim Luke (political science); Barbara Lockee, Grey Sherman, Kathy Cennamo and Mike Moore (teaching and learning).