Spectrum - Volume 20 Issue 16 January 15, 1998 - Participation encouraged at Staff Senate
A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
The Conductor
, a special section of the
printed 4 times a year
at Staff Senate
By Jill Elswick
Spectrum Volume 20 Issue 16 - January 15, 1998
December's Staff Senate meeting was held as a holiday reception in Owens Banquet Hall. Speakers recalled past achievements and encouraged a higher level of participation in staff governance. Spencer Allen, president of the Staff Senate, introduced attending administrators and deans.
Raymond Smoot, vice president for finance and treasurer, was the first of three presenters. Smoot emphasized the original aim of the staff associations and the Staff Senate when they were officially organized in 1991: to involve all members of the university community in university governance.
Linda Woodard, director of Personnel Services, called the Staff Senate a "wonderful sounding board" that helps identify pertinent issues. She praised the senate's efforts in supporting improvement training; staff associations, committees, and commissions; and Staff Appreciation Day.
Wyatt Sasser, director of Custodial Services and Staff Senate president from 1994-96, told attendees the senate represents nothing less than the ideals of democracy. "The need to be involved is in all of us," he said. Sasser compared the university to a three-legged stool consisting of faculty members, staff members, and students. The goal of the university, he said, is "not teaching, but education--for everyone."
Closing remarks were provided by Cindy Harrison, office manager and certified professional secretary for risk management. Harrison reminded attendees that the "grinding work" of the Classified Staff Affairs Committee (CSAC), with the support of former Tech president Jim McComas, paved the way for the formation and success of the current Staff Senate.