Spectrum - Volume 20 Issue 16 January 15, 1998 - Professional secretaries hold meeting
A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
The Conductor
, a special section of the
printed 4 times a year
Professional secretaries hold meeting
Spectrum Volume 20 Issue 16 - January 15, 1998
In the spring of 1997, a group of certified professional secretaries (CPS's) on campus formed a committee to discuss ways to enhance professionalism of secretaries through greater recognition of the CPS rating. The committee contacted Linda Woodard and Judy Ridinger in Personnel Services and Ted Settle in Continuing Education for input and assistance. The decision was made to host a luncheon for secretaries on campus to increase the awareness of and promote the CPS rating and examination. The Donaldson Brown Hotel and Conference Center agreed to host the luncheon.
A luncheon was held in November, 1997, with approximately 60 persons attending. The speaker for the professional-development luncheon and seminar was Bob Meadows, an Extension specialist with 4-H from the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service. Meadows spoke on "The Continuous Learner." After the luncheon many secretaries expressed an interest in the CPS rating.
A mentoring program and study classes are now being discussed. Another luncheon may also be sponsored.
The CPS holders who are a part of the committee are Arleta Boyd (1-6361, boydal ); Tish Glosh (1-7563, glosht ); Cindy Harrison (1-7439, canoe ); Kay Hess, (676-6155, khess ); Brenda Husser, (1-6878, bhusser ); Denise Jones, (1-7699, cdjones ); Adelene Kirby, (1-6738, akirby ); Joyce Longrie, (1-6413, jlongrie ); Ann Scanlon, (1-8720, ascanlon ); Mary Whitlock, (1-5056, mwhitloc ); and Paula Wood.
Please call any of the members listed above for more information on CPS status.