Spectrum - Volume 20 Issue 17 January 22, 1998 - SACS Announces

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SACS Announces

Visiting Team


By W. David Conn, self-study director

Spectrum Volume 20 Issue 17 - January 22, 1998

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) has just announced the following list of members of the visiting team that will conduct an audit of the institutional-effectiveness (IE) component of our self study. The team will be here later in the semester, from March 15-18. Listed under each name is the section (or sections) of the SACS re-affirmation criteria that the individual will have primary responsibility for reviewing.
John W. Prados, (chair) vice president emeritus and university professor University of Tennessee, Knoxville: Section I: Principles and Philosphy of Education; Virginia Wheeless, associate vice president for planning and special assististant to the chancellor, University of North Texas, Sections II, III: Institutional Purpose; Institutional Effectiveness; Timmothy J. Crimmins, chair, Department of History, Georgia State University, Section IV: educational program coordinator; Ralph V. Norman Jr., professor of religious studies, (formerly associate vice chancellor), University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Section IV: Humanities; Samuel P. McManus, provost, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Section IV: Natural Science; Floyd C. Hardy director of library services, North Carolina Central University, Section V: Library; Barbara A. Mann associate professor of higher education, Florida State University, Section V: Student Development; Dale W. Lick, university professor (formerly president), Florida State University, Section VI: Organization and Administration and NCAA chair.
To be announced: Section VI: Finance. Membership of the team that will review the strategic component of the self study has not yet been announced. Readers are reminded that the entire self-study report is already available on-line at http://www.vt.edu:10021/admin/provost/selfstudy/ .