Spectrum - Volume 20 Issue 28 April 16, 1998 - VPSA candidates here today

A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
including The Conductor , a special section of the Spectrum printed 4 times a year

VPSA candidates here today

By Catherine Doss

Spectrum Volume 20 Issue 28 - April 16, 1998

Each of three candidates vying for the position of vice president for student affairs will be on campus for a series of interviews starting today.
Thomas Dougan, Landrum Cross, and SueAnn Strom are finalists in the year-long, nation-wide search to fill the position. Each of the candidates will lead an open forum for faculty and staff members, and students as part of the interview process.
The forums are scheduled as follows: Dougan--April 16 from 1-2:15 p.m. in Squires Brush Mountain Room A; Cross--April 23 from 1:45-3 p.m. in Squires Brush Mountain Room A; Strom--May 4 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. in the DBHCC auditorium.
Dougan currently serves as assistant vice president for campus life at the University of Rhode Island, a position he has held since March 1988. In this role, he is responsible for a number of areas including the university's counseling center, Career Services, multi-cultural student services, university chaplains, the student senate, and fraternities and sororities.
Cross is currently interim vice president for student affairs at Virginia Tech. He came to the university in 1983 as assistant vice president for student affairs and has served in a number of roles with various responsibilities since that time, including associate vice president for student affairs, director of cooperative education and director of Student Health Services.
Strom is at Southeast Missouri State University where she has served as vice president for student affairs since August 1992. In this role, she is responsible for areas such as enrollment management, admissions, minority recruitment, orientation, scholarships and financial aid, and career services, and recreational sports.
The vice president for student affairs provides executive leadership and vision in administering a comprehensive range of programs and services related to student-affairs programming and planning; assists in creating a campus climate that promotes the academic achievement and personal development of all students; and fosters collaborative relationships among students, faculty, and staff. Divisions of the Office of Student Affairs include: Career Services; Dean of Students; Military Affairs; Residential and Dining Programs; Student Health and Counseling Services; and University Unions, Student Activities, and Recreational Sports.
The successful candidate will assume the position July 1, 1998.