Spectrum - Volume 20 Issue 38 August 13, 1998 - CALENDAR
A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
The Conductor
, a special section of the
printed 4 times a year
Spectrum Volume 20 Issue 38 - August 13, 1998
Friday, 14
Salary and Wage Paydate.
Monday, 17
GTA Fall Workshop (through 8-19), 10:30 a.m., 1670 Litton-Reeves: For more information call 1-9568.
Tuesday, 18
University Forum: Instruction in Large Classes , 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., Squires Colonial Hall.
Wednesday, 19
"With Good Reason," 7 p.m., WVTF: "The Fall Guy: Great Frame-Ups in History" with Katherine Maus of UVA, Dorothy Boyd-Rush of JMU, and Terry Alford of Northern Virginia Community College.
International Student Orientation: Graduate and undergraduate, 8:30 a.m., Squires Colonial Hall.
Thursday, 20
Staff Senate Meeting, 5:30 p.m. 1810 Litton-Reaves.
International Student Orientation: Graduate and undergraduate, 8:30 a.m., Squires Colonial Hall.
Friday, 21
New Faculty Orientation, 7:45 a.m. to 2 p.m., Gordon Ballroom, German Club: For more information, call 1-6122.
New Graduate Student Orientation, 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Owens Banquet Hall: (Includes international graduate students) For more information, call 1-4558.
International Undergraduate Student Orientation, 7:30 a.m., Squires Brush Mountain A.
Monday, 24
Classes Begin.
Tuesday, 25
Faculty Senate Meeting , 7 p.m., 32 Pamplin.
Performance Evaluation Training, 1-3 p.m., DBHCC conference room G.
Wednesday, 26
"With Good Reason," 7 p.m., WVTF: "Uncommon Bonds: Black Culture in 18th Century America" with historians Philip Morgan of William and Mary and Turk McCleskey of VMI.
Thursday, 27
Performance Evaluation Training, 10 a.m. to noon, DBHCC conference room G.
Artists and scholars series proposals sought
The Office of the Provost has issued the annual call for proposals for the Women and Minority Artists and Scholars Series for 1998. The deadline for applications is September 14.
The fund, as in past years, provides up to $500 to supplement departmental or college funds in support of guest lecturers and performances by women and minorities. The purpose of the program is to increase the diversity of perspectives and creative expression available on campus and to increase the number of women and minority role models for students.
Invitations to scholars from Virginia Tech's HBCU partner institutions (historically black colleges and universities) are especially encouraged. These schools are Hampton University, Virginia Union, Saint Paul's College, Norfolk State, Virginia State, North Carolina A&T, Winston-Salem State, Livingstone, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, West Virginia State, and Delaware State. Invitations to scholars and artists from other institutions, or non-institutional settings, are also welcome and appropriate. Application forms are available from the Provost's Office at 1-3312 or send a note to PHILLIPA@vt.edu.
Performance evaluation training set
Workshops to train new managers and supervisors in completing performance evaluations are scheduled for two times in late August. These workshops are designed to explain the state's performance plan to employees, handle low evaluations or employees who disagree with evaluations, document and evaluate performance, use the Position and Performance Activity Form P-112 to document performance, and conduct effective evaluation interviews.
Training sessions are offered on August 25, 1-3 p.m. and August 27, 10 a.m. to noon. Both sessions will be held in the Continuing Education Center, conference room G. Registration is required. Contact Julie Whetzel at 1-9331 or send an e-mail note to jwhet@vt.edu .
To ensure that all supervisors are knowledgeable about the evaluation process, managers and supervisors who have questions are urged to contact their human-resources consultant or call 1-9331. Supervisors may evaluate employees, for this performance cycle beginning August 1. The completed evaluation forms must be in Personnel Services by 5 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 1.
Leave sharing requests listed
Virginia Tech employees in natural history have requested leave donations. There are also still Virginia Tech employees in the following areas who have requested leave donations: near environments, minority engineering, Housekeeping, University Relations, Cooperative Extension, and Residential and Dining Programs.
These employees are eligible to receive leave through the Leave Sharing Program. Salaried classified employees or a 12-month regular faculty members, may participate by donating annual leave in increments of eight hours. There is no maximum donation limitation per year, nor is there a minimum balance that must be maintained. Leave donations received after the employee's eligibility status changes (such as, return to work, disability retirement, retirement, etc.) will be returned to the donor in accordance with established Personnel procedures.
To protect recipients, the names and details of the medical condition will remain confidential. However, leave must be donated to either a specific individual or area.
Donor forms are available from department administrative offices or from Personnel Services department at 1-9331 or at e-mail address jwhet@vt.edu .. Return the completed form to Kathy Manning, Leave Administrator, Personnel Services, Southgate Center, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0318
Exhibit focuses on stream health
"Save Our Streams" is a hands-on exhibit opening September 2 at the Museum of Natural History and continuing through Dec. 31, 1998. Learn about the health of streams in the area and how to monitor the continued health of the stream.
Admission is free. Call 1-3001 for details. Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday.
Evening language classes set
The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures is offering a series of evening language courses during fall semester. The credit classes are also available on a non-credit basis to persons not enrolled as regular students.
Offered as regular introductory classes are Chinese, Italian, Japanese and Hebrew. Accelerated elementary courses provide two semesters into one semester of study supplemented with a self-instructional and electronic component. Those accelerated classes available include French, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish. Intermediate-level courses in Spanish and Japanese are available on an accelerated basis.
For more information on the courses call the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at 1-5361. For more information concerning the non-credit fees, call David Mitchell in the Division of Continuing Education at 1-5182.
Register your vehicle by telephone
Parking Services is now offering telephone vehicle registration for parking-permit sales. Call 1-3055 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, through September 1. Be prepared to provide social-security number and vehicle information.
After the information is processed, either go to the Visitor Information Center on Southgate Drive to pick up permits or have it mailed. Payment should be made by either cash, check or certified funds before the permit can be made. To purchase permits by payroll deduction, let the telephone receptionist know for special processing.
Current parking permits expire on August 14. For more information call 1-3055 or visit http://www.vt.edu:10021/admin/parking/parking.htm ..