Spectrum - Volume 20 Issue 38 August 13, 1998 - Employees receive info on CPS rating
A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
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printed 4 times a year
receive info
on CPS rating
Spectrum Volume 20 Issue 38 - August 13, 1998
One hundred and twenty Virginia Tech office workers attended a seminar held in June to learn about the certified-professional-secretary rating.
In addition to this internationally recognized rating, it was also announced that a new certificate program for Virginia Tech employees is being developed by Personnel Services. This was the second such seminar luncheon sponsored by the CPS Group at Virginia Tech, Personnel Services, and the Donaldson Brown Hotel and Conference Center.
The CPS rating can be achieved by completing educational and work experience requirements, and passing a three-part, one-day examination. The exam is offered twice a year. Judy Ridinger, of Personnel Services, is working with New River Community College to establish study classes in preparation for the CPS exam. Ridinger announced the development of a 36-credit-hour certificate program for Virginia Tech employees in Office Management and Leadership Development.
Linda Woodard, director of Personnel Services and guest speaker, said that not only must office staff keep pace with rapid technological change, but because of decentralization at Virginia Tech, office workers have seen major shifts in departmental responsibility and accountability. The redefinition of today's office person calls for different types of competencies and makes the role of the worker as a leader more significant. Woodard referred to "pockets of empowerment" where change does not have to be "top-down."
Ted Settle, director of Continuing Education, spoke in full support of the CPS endeavor. He encouraged commitment to the CPS activities being planned by Personnel Services.
Sixty individuals attended the first seminar held in November, 1997. The CPS Group that organized the seminars is comprised of eight of 15 Virginia Tech employees who have earned the certified-professional-secretary rating. Committee members are Arleta Boyd, Tish Glosh, Cindy Harrison, Brenda Husser, Denise Jones, Joyce Longrie, Ann Scanlon, and Mary Whitlock.
For more information, call any of the committee members. For more information regarding the Office Management and Leadership Development certificate, contact Ridinger at 1-7767; e-mail: ridinger .