Spectrum - Volume 21 Issue 04 September 17, 1998 - Apple hardware, demo on tap at Newman Library
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Apple hardware, demo on tap at Newman Library
Spectrum Volume 21 Issue 04 - September 17, 1998
The Virginia Tech Multimedia Users Group (VTMMUG), under the co-sponsorship of the New Media Center and the Educational Technologies division of Media Services, will present "A Day With Apple Computer," featuring Apple's Michael Mills, senior consulting systems engineer, and Bob Jennings, higher-education area manager, on September 25.
There will be a hardware display and demonstration in Newman Library, classroom A, from 9 until 10:30 a.m. Included in the demonstration will be Apple's new iMac (the internet Macintosh). The iMac, which hit retail store shelves on August 15, has been the "biggest computer launch we've seen in our history," said Jim Halpin, CompUSA president and CEO.
Next will be a QuickTime 3 hands-on session in Newman's New Media Center, from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. QuickTime 3 is the only digital media technology platform capable of integrating 3-D animation, real-time special effects, virtual reality, and streaming video and audio across all major personal-computer platforms. QuickTime 3 currently supports over 35 popular media file formats and is the winner of numerous industry awards. QuickTime is available for free download at http://www.apple.com/quicktime/ .
The keynote session of the day will be an "Apple Update" presented by Mills, in 1670 Litton Reaves, from 2:30-4 p.m. He will discuss Apple's corporate health, the latest hardware and software innovations for Mac, present demonstrations of latest software, and entertain questions from the audience.
The VTMMUG is open to all members of the university community and the community at large who are interested in multi-media. According to Ed Schwartz, co-director of the New Media Center, "The real goal of the multi-media users group is to provide a forum where all interested persons can come together to view and discuss the latest in multi-media technology. We seek to provide diverse topics in an environment which stimulates thought and inspires innovation."
Richard Hayman, coordinator of the group, said "Many people think they must join or in some other way go through a formal process to attend VTMMUG meetings. Our meetings are always open and all are invited, with no obligation to do anything but be interested."
For more information, visit the website at http://www.nmc.vt.edu/vtmmug/. To learn more about the New Media Center and its programs, visit http://www.nmc.vt.edu/ . If you have questions or are a person desiring assistance, contact Hayman at Richard.Hayman@vt.edu or call 1-4826.