VPIEJ-L Archives

- VPIEJ-L Usenet Newsgroup
- ARL Directory of Electronic Journals and Newsletters
- Charles W. Bailey, Jr., Network-Based Electronic Publishing of Scholarly Works: A Selective Bibliography
- Ejournal SiteGuide : a MetaSource
- Scholarly Journals via WWW
- PACS Review : Articles on E-Publishing
- Journal of Electronic Publishing (University of Michigan)
- January '95
- Some highlights:
- February '95
- Some highlights:
- March '95
- Some highlights:
- April '95
- Some highlights:
- May '95
- Some highlights:
- June '95
- Some highlights:
- July '95
- Some highlights:
- August '95
- Some highlights:
- September '95
- Some highlights:
- October '95
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- January '94
Some highlights:
CONSERLINE, Placing a paper on the IPPE, Gopher archives for electronic journals, ACM SIGDOC'94 Call For Papers, Publishing with Windows Help, IPCT Journal Announces Gopher Access, Information Technology and Disabilities, Using Acrobat for preprint archive, Journals as commodities, JEWISH STUDIES JUDAICA eJOURNAL, Update on Scholarly Communications at ALA Midwinter.
- February '94
Some highlights:
Electronic Review Literary Magazine, Audible presentation of text, Audio System for Technical Readings, Survey of Gopher access to e-journals, billing for e-publications, New Electronic Math Journal, Abstracting and Indexing of Electronic Journals.
- March '94
Some highlights:
Free vs. Commercial, UVa Internet access to SGML Textual Analysis Resources, Internet Advertising -- Special Report, Advertising on the Internet FAQ, Newspaper archives, Extract from Humanist: Project Muse, Indexing of electronic journals, SGML markup editors, Report on ELVYN Project, SCANNER SOFTWARE.
- April '94
Some highlights:
The DELHI Oxford University Press, Culture and Technology Conference, Toronto, ASIS SIG/CR's 5th Classification Research Workshop, Management issues in electronic publishing, Electronic Publishing on Networks Bibliography, Survey of Gopher archives for E-Journals, PS Font Embedding Legalities.
- May '94
Some highlights:
*ELECTRONIC ANTIQUITY* 1, 8, Info on CD Roms, TEI Guidelines published, Directory of E-Journals, 4th Edition, IATH publications by WWW.
- June '94
Some highlights:
E Law - New Access Info, new access modes for New York Journal of Mathematics, TESL-EJ APA Style Manual Ready, MODAL-L, ACRL Discussion Group for Electronic Libraries, NASIG Call for Papers, Internet and Magazine Sales: Journalist Seeking Success Stories, Subversive Proposal.
- July '94
Some highlights:
On Esoteric Publication, telepublishing, Further subversive matters, Archive of Subversion Discussion, Seeking info. on language-related MUDs, MOOs, etc., A new and different e-journal!!!, Paying for the Pipe vs. the Piper in Esoteric Publishing, Association of Digital Publishers, Directory of Electronic Journals/Internet Edition, VPI Report of the Scholarly Communications Task Force available, Journal of Chemical Research.
- August '94
Some highlights:
Electronic Editorial Office Costs, Acceptance Rates, VT model, GASSHO: Call for Submissions, Symposium on Scholarly E-Publishing Announced, MUSE papers, ftp vs. gopher vs. www, Author-Side Electronic Page-Cost Subsidy for Esoteric Publication, Usage statistics: Physics E-Print Archive, Los Alamos.
- September '94
Some highlights:
Science Special Section on Internet, Screen Captures (Editable!), Cross subsidy, Network Management, Economics of the Internet, Refereed journals--submission rates, citation standards for e-journals, How to Find Journals on the Net, Reinventing the Library.
- October '94
Some highlights:
Ordering APAGUIDE, IPN: Request for editors and contributors, Help on SGML, TESL-EJ: Call for Manuscripts, New LIS Electronic Journal, Mac newspaper hardware/software?.
- November '94
Some highlights:
Mellon Grant to BMCR/BMMR/BMAR, PACS Review Articles on E-Publishing, Readership Surveys, Paper on ejournals/, peer review & quality control, Paper on SGML-to-HTML Filtering Via Web-to-PAT Gateway, Library cataloging INET guide ver. 2.0.
- December '94
Some highlights:
Standpoints: Call for Papers, Serials Review Issue on Networked E-Publishing Issues, New issue of Electronic Green Journal available, ASIS Perspectives issue on electronic publishing, VPIEJ-L Home Page.
- January '93
Some highlights:
ELECTRONIC PUBLICATION AND THE KNOWLEDGE GLUT, Logographic Reading: Are We So Different?, E-copyright survey, How to start an e-journal?, Symbolization standards?, E-Serials as News Services RFC, The Prehistory of E-Publishing - RFC.
- February '93
Some highlights:
Increase in Journals citation, New French Computer Security E-Journal, First e-serial in France and Minitel, How can I distribute my e-journal?, Cataloging e-journals, Maximize Ascii, SGML for document delivery, not human eyes, Thoughts on the SuperJANET Ariel Publishing Trial.
- March '93
Some highlights:
Updated List of E-serials (From Third Edition), Software for Publishing, Editing E-journals, Announcing new gopher, www services, Announcing new gopher, www services, Publishing an electronic journal.
- April '93
Some highlights:
Society plans electronic publishing effort, An Invitation to Try the Electronic Journal of Extension, E-publishing and paper sales, Gopher and Copyright, Reliability of electronic texts.
- May '93
Some highlights:
What is an E-journal?, ARL Expands 3rd Edition of Directory of Electronic Publications, E-Text of The Internet Business Journal NOW AVAILABLE, Wierdness in AAP math DTD version 2.0, independent librarians, FTP of hypertext presentation on e-journals.
- June '93
Some highlights:
E-Journal Survey, VPIEJ-L Resources Update, Critical mass in e-journals, Wrong Model for Scholarly E-Journals, Information on the Electronic Highway, ALA/STS Research Forum Presentations, Hypertext files of E-Journals
- July '93
Some highlights:
Announcing Bryn Mawr Medieval Review, Electronic Mellon report, U.S. Clearinghouse, *ELECTRONIC ANTIQUITY* #2, DPA Digital Quill Awards PR, Special Issue on E-Journals?
- August '93
Some highlights:
Winnipeg Conference, Data citation and ownership, Complete ejournal archives, E-journal task force report, Legal representation, electronic information, archives, and libraries, Copyright of Electronic Publications, PRAXIS.
- September '93
Some highlights:
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON REFEREED ELECTRONIC JOURNALS, Where should we publish?, FDA Electronic Submissions (CANDA), On-screen editing references, Onscreen Editing, ISSN/query.
- October '93
Some highlights:
Ejournal Index, Software for automated e-print submissions?, Of Trolleys and Savage Inequalities (Re: Ken Dowlin Paper), OJCCT, Papyrosimilitude !?, IPPE one-month status report, *ELECTRONIC ANTIQUITY* 1, 5.
- November '93
Some highlights:
The Impact of Electronic Publication on Scholarly Journals, newspaper archives as textual corpora, Mother Jones available via Gopher, Publishing scholarly journals on listserv, Newspaper archives -> Acrobat v Common Ground, Threat to the Mathematical Literature, material on education, _Books-In-Print_ online?
- December 1993
Some highlights:
More on peer review and the Net, JAIR, Free Trial, Computists' Communique, The Internet Business Journal 1.5 Online Sample, News from the IPPE, Internet Business Journal Gopher
- January '92
Some highlights:
List purpose (VPIEJ-L began as a local discussion list at VPI & SU, the first two month's discussions reflect this).
- February '92
Some highlights:
Catalyst, (VPIEJ-L began as a local discussion list at VPI & SU, the first two month's discussions reflect this).
- March '92
Some highlights:
Net-News and more, opening up?, PostScript, welcome survey, CD-ROM lifetime, Publishing an Electronic Journal, Directory of E-Serials, SGML tools, What is SGML (anyway)?, SGML BIBLIOGRAPHY, DVI for e-journals.
- April '92
Some highlights:
Publishing Cooperative, Multilanguage Networking, SGML and UMLS, models for electronic [re]publishing, Electronic journal access, Usenet archiving, Basic guide on how to send e-mail, Do Electronic Journals Make Sense?, Peer Review and the Net, Electronic Serials Bibliography, E-Journal Flowchart.
- May '92
Some highlights:
E-Journal Consortium, PSYC volume/issue numbering, Carousel, Balancing Quality of Presentation with Searchability, E-journals at PAIG in San Francisco.
- June '92
Some highlights:
Electronic Archiving of Raw Data: PSYC Call for Commentators, Software for accessing e-journals on local systems, anonymous ftp, List Review Service (VPIEJ-L), ALA ANNOUNCEMENT, SGML used in Online Journal of Current Clinical Trials, authentication of E-Journals, Journal alternatives, E-Text Citation, ISSN for electronic serials.
- July '92
Some highlights:
Framemaker/SGML, Electronic Journal Policies Wanted, SGML/CAI, Font readability, Copyright concerns, Let's rethink copyright policy in the electronic medium, Copyrights and profit motive.
- August '92
Some highlights:
Postscript Usage, SGML and PostScript, publishing graphics, Corporate sponsorship?, Editor/Publisher Survey, Two Issn's for one ejournal.
- September '92
Some highlights:
WAIS & electronic journals, Announcing BIBSOFT list, Apple Library's Network Citizen Awards for 1992, Distribution of Electronic Journals, Library Archiving and Distribution of Electronic Journals, NCL's conference on National Libraries-Towards the 21st Century, Organizations supporting e-publishing?, Archived editorial policies, List of e-journals.
- October '92
Some highlights:
Machine Intelligence News, Listserv and FTP file Size, Citing E-mail, Definition of e-journal, papers by Dodd and Kulikowski on e-mail citation, On not sinking the paper fleet..., What Scholars Want and Need from Electronic Journals, Continuing discussion on costs and benefits of e-journals, advantages of speed, On the Intrinsic vs. the Extrinsic Rewards of Scholarship.
- November '92
Some highlights:
Haste Can be Chaste, PMC/OUP, Quoting E-mail Addresses, APA support of PSYCOLOQUY, Anderson Virtual Qualities for Elec. Publishing, Archiving elctronic journals.
- December '92
Some highlights:
Call for Editors: Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, Scholars Press to Publish Electric Mystic's Guide, e-journal on gopher, Newsletter Subscr./Woman's Collection, PACS Review Issue on E-Publishing, List for Net Document Authoring, VRA New Technologies Roundup.
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Scholarly Communications, University Libraries
URL: http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/vpiej-l.html
Send Suggestions or Comments to webmaster@scholar.lib.vt.edu
Last updated: June 23, 1997 (mdr)